Not too long ago, Games Workshop announced a new edition of Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game — their licensed tabletop miniature wargame that’s based on Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit film trilogies.
Slipped into that annnouncement was a one-sentence tease that, as part of the update, GW would also release a series of figures based on the forthcoming anime feature the Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim. (Sneaky!)
Now they’ve revealed the first of these: foot and mounted versions of Wulf, the Rohirrim lordling who seizes Meduseld (and the throne) from Helm Hammerhand.
Wulf mounted figure for the Middle-earth Battle Strategy Game.
GW Lead Design Manager told that they “worked with Warner Bros. and the creative team behind the movie — including the absolutely wonderful Arty Papageorgiou and Philippa Boyens — to make sure our miniatures reflected the visuals of the film whilst sitting well alongside our existing range.”
Although I don’t play the game myself, I found the card that outlines Wulf’s special rule quite interesting.
To me, that first sentence suggests that GW will subsequently release figures for “the heirs and leaders of Rohan”. At a guess, I extrapolate that mean it’s reasonable to expect additional figures (in no particular order) for: Helm Hammerhand, Háma, Héra, Haleth, and Fréaláf Hildeson. Leaders could also include the mysterious Olwyn who features as a supporter or advisor to Héra in some of the scenes in the recently released Japanese trailer.
TORn Staffer Ostadan wrote to me to suggest that the new edition will very probably be rolled out with a new ‘Starter’ set (like the Battle for Osgiliath set of a few years ago). He said that “most of the game’s fans seem to think that this new starter will be between Rohan and Dunlending factions. This is not a certainty, but does seem likely.”
I certainly agree this makes a lot of sense. It would mean additional fiugures such as Freca (Helm’s father), the General Taarg, and the bald fellow whose name escapes me right now. Probably a mish-mash of Wulf’s folk, Dunlendings and Haradrim/Corsair (I’ve now seen the offical coloring book calling them Southrons) mercenaries. And perhaps a Mûmakil.
Wulf on foot. Courtesy: Games Workshop.Mounted Wulf. Courtesy: Games Workshop.
Plus even more War of the Rohirrim tie-in merch from Harper Collins
That’s not all!
In case you missed it, Harper Collins is also releasing three tie-in books that are now available for pre-order on both the HC site, and on Amazomg. (NB: at the time of writing, Amazon seems to have Falconer’s Art book on sale.)
The Art of The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim By Daniel Falconer. 256pp. Releases February 25, 2025
A comprehensive, large-format hardcover offering unparalleled insight into the making of The War of the Rohirrim, and the complete creative journey from concept to finished film told by the artists and filmmakers themselves. Cover art not yet available.
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim Visual Companion By Chris Smith. 96pp. Releases November 5, 2024.
Set 183 years before the events chronicled in the original trilogy of films, “The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim” tells the fate of the House of Helm Hammerhand, the legendary King of Rohan. A sudden attack by Wulf, a clever and ruthless Dunlending lord seeking vengeance for the death of his father, forces Helm and his people to make a daring last stand in the ancient stronghold of the Hornburg—a mighty fortress that will later come to be known as Helm’s Deep. Finding herself in an increasingly desperate situation, Héra, the daughter of Helm, must summon the will to lead the resistance against a deadly enemy intent on their total destruction.
With a cast of exciting and original characters, and a mix of locations both familiar and new, this dramatic new standalone story weaves another thread in the grand tapestry of Middle-earth. Lavishly illustrated with breathtaking art and imagery, The War of the Rohirrim: Official Visual Companion is the ultimate introduction to every character, creature and location you will encounter in this epic adventure from the official Lord of the Rings saga.
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim Official Coloring Book By Warner Bros. 80pp. Releases November 5, 2024.
Experience the valiant spirit of Rohan’s warriors defending their homeland against the forces of darkness as you color these breathtaking scenes featuring all the characters, creatures, and landscapes from the new Lord of the Rings movie. Return to Middle-earth and begin a brand-new coloring adventure, from the splendor of the Golden Hall atop Edoras, to the breathtaking landscapes of Rohan, and ancient fortress of the Hornburg.
As well as dramatic scenes from this exciting new installment in the Lord of the Rings movie saga, you can color all of its heroes and villains, including Rohan’s legendary king, Helm Hammerhand, his intrepid daughter, Héra, and her brothers Haleth and Háma, Lord Freca and his son, Wulf, the warlike Southrons and iconic creatures such as the monstrous mûmakil and the savage snow-troll.
Greetings from Atlanta, fellow Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks, wizards and elves, Rohirrim and Beornings, Men and Women of the West, Nazgúl and Uruks, and other glorious embodiments of the diverse denizens of Middle-earth! And Proudfoots! (‘Proudfeet!’) It’s Labor Day Weekend, which means Smaug is stirring in the form of the singular Con forged by fans for fans (why, just like TheOneRing!): it’s Dragon Con time!
Now in its 37th year, and much like the world of fantasy in general, Dragon Con has always leaned heavily into its Tolkienian roots, with Middle-earth inspired programming, cosplay, partying, and a global Fellowship serving to inspire many of the 70,000 or so fans who converge on downtown Atlanta every year. And the 2024 version will be no different! Here’s a quick rundown all the Tolkien goodness that will be happening this year, indeed when there seems to be an explosion of so much we can celebrate!
Movie Guests: The Hobbits Are Coming to Dragon Con!
It’s a long-expected celebration as we welcome three excellent and admirable hobbits back to our annual party! Billy Boyd and Elijah Wood have been here before, with 2023 serving as a Frodo first for the con. It’s great to have him back, along with an inaugural visit by Dominic Monaghan. We’ll enjoy reminiscences and revelry, past shenanigans and current updates from gentlemen who still bow to no one! Find them at various times across the weekend.
Alas they’re not bringing Orli with them to Atlanta…
Media Project Updates and an Event: So Much Happening!
International South, Hyatt, 7pm Thursday 29th – watch The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power
Prime Video was so courteous to schedule the opening of Season Two of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power on the same day that Dragon Con kicks off! They were especially gracious to allow us to host a Release Day Watch Party in a large ballroom space in one of the host hotels where we’ll get to all three of the first episodes on a big screen with 400 or so of our closest friends. There will be swag!
L401-403, Marriott, 11.30am Monday 2nd – The Rings of Power panel will also be hosting a panel on Monday offering an opportunity for reactions and speculations from a crackerjack panel, including our good friend Willie Jenkins aka KnewBettaDoBetta.
L601-602, Marriott, 1pm Friday 30th – The War of the Rohirrim panel
Just as exciting is the upcoming December release of The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, the anime collaboration between the same team that brought us both the LotR and Hobbit movies, along with director Kenji Kamiyama. We’ll have a dedicated panel to discuss the recently released trailers, and special recorded interview with producer Jason DeMarco as he digs into some details with staffer greendragon. (Also look for swag…!)
Centennial One, Hyatt, 11.30am Saturday 31st – Middle-earth Updates with TORn
We’ll even do some speculating about the recently announced next movie release coming in 2026, the PJ-produced, Serkis-directed The Hunt for Gollum. That will happen as part of a general update from staffers at Dragon Con, along with some good friends, covering a vast smorgasbord of things we have to look forward to in the Tolkienverse.
Some Scholarly Conversations: Academics Can Party?
Tolkien fans are noteworthy for also loving to dive deeply into Tolkien lore, characters, themes, and discussions as part of their experience. We’ll be scratching that itch on a number of fronts:
L401-403, Marriott, 1pm Saturday 31st – Here at the end of All Things: Tolkien’s Apocalyptic Visions
Our good friend, professor, and author, Constance Wagner, was asked recently about contributing to an upcoming publication discussing apocalyptic themes in fantasy literature. The inquirer wasn’t sure there really was much in Tolkien’s legendarium that dealt with that kind of thing. After Constance calmed down, she recruited a couple of us to join her in road-testing just how apocalyptic Tolkien can be, and across all the Ages of Middle-earth starting with the Music of the Ainur. And what better place to do that than among Dragon Con friends! We may have to hand out cookies to lighten the mood a bit, though.
L401-403, Marriott, 11.30am Sunday 1st – On Fairy Stories
Tolkien’s On Fairy Stories serves as a fundamental apologetic for the importance, depth, and suitedness of these stories in their application to the human condition. Plus they’re good reads. We’re looking forward to engaging with other fans on these foundational ideas.
L401-403, Marriott, 4pm Sunday 1st – The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien
With the publication of the massive three-volume edition of The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien mere weeks away, we take an hour to focus on what we can expect from this monumental effort from scholars Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond. And we’ll probably do a bit of group confession of how many of us skipped the poems during our first LotR reading or two. We may even listen to Tolkien himself reciting some of his verses.
Parades, Partying, Dancing and Singing: Always Trust an Elf! Or a Hobbit!
Grand Ballroom, Courtland Grand, 8.30pm Friday 30th – An Evening at Bree
Dragon Con (unlike many of those “CC” alternatives around the country), is especially knows for its literal 24-hour partying spirit, both informal and officially sponsored. One of those latter parties, indeed one of the longest standing parties across Dragon Con’s history, is our annual Evening at Bree. Always happening on the first full-day of the Con, this Friday evening festival combines live bands (since back in those the Emerald Rose glory days! – this year we’ll have Landloch’d, Beth Patterson, and the Brobdingnagian Bards playing), dancing that’ll bring joy to the most curmudgeonly hobbit, a costume contest showcasing jaw-dropping cosplay talent, and a mini-concert from Bree’s own Elf Choir who gather to rehearse and present iconic fantasy tunes all on the same day. It’s a great way to kick off the Con in a celebratory mood.
Elf Choir performing at Evening at Bree in a previous year – photo courtesy of Geek Behind the Lens
Grand Ballroom, Courtland Grand, 5.30pm Friday 30th – Sing with the Elf Choir
That Elf Choir, in addition to their larger contingent who perform at Bree, also has a dedicated group of master singers, garbed in elven cloaks and sporting ethereal lanterns, who make their way through the Dragon Con masses on their long and melodic journey into the West. Fortunately, the Grey Havens are proving elusive, and they’ll be back again this year.
Grand East, Hilton, 7pm Sunday 1st – Hobbit Drinking Songs
One of the most riotously reeling renditions of Shire shenanigans happens with the Brobdingnagian Bards’ annual concert (and excuse to dance spontaneously): Hobbit Drinking Songs. They’ve been at it long enough that many in the audience join in, at least on the choruses. And they have CDs!
Grand East, Hilton, 10pm Sunday 1st – High Fantasy Goblin Ball
One of the last parties we’ll be joining this weekend is one where staffer deej will be taking the lead: The High Fantasy Goblin Ball! We always like to pick a theme for these dance parties, usually picking a favorite decade where deej focuses her musical stylings. We’re back to the 80s this year, and using a Goblinesque orientation in whatever forms our attendees might choose. The mashup cosplay has gotten pretty hilarious in years past. The Eye of Sauron in shutter shades, anyone?
Home for this Tolkien-inspired programming, and for many of us Tolkien-addicted people, is one of Dragon Con’s 35 or so dedicated fan groups, or “tracks”: The High Fantasy Track. Home base is right in the center of all the action, on the lobby level of the Marriott Marquis (L401-403). Should you be attending Dragon Con this year, come by and say hi to fellow fans there!
Grab some merch – celebrate 25 years of TORn!
You should also, of course, visit staffers greendragon and deej at’s fan table in the Atlanta downtown Hyatt, down on the Exhibit Hall level just across from the Art Show (our usual spot). There you can get some fabulous merch – shirts, buttons, and more! Show your political allegiance by voting Gollum/Smeagol 2024; or show your love for TORn with our 25th anniversary shirt and mug.
We’re looking forward to seeing friends old and new! Now forgive us as we go finish up that last flourish on our cosplay!
The article contains some fascinating quotes from key members of the recently announced Japanese voice cast. I’m using good ol’ Google translate so I cannot attest to complete accuracy of translation, but let’s break it down.
First, there’s some background on the Japanese trailer acknowleging it’s unsual difference fgrom the US domestic version:
…in order to convey the worldview of “Lord of the Rings” to fans around the world, including in Japan, a Japanese version trailer with different content was released simultaneously worldwide, which is an unusual move.
AV mentions a handful of stand-out details from the JP trailer:
In the video, we can see the horn, the great eagle, Mumakir, orcs, and even Saruman the White and the Horn Castle, all familiar to “Lord of the Rings” fans. At the end, “someone” appears who is collecting golden rings, reminiscent of the “One Ring.”
Opinion seems to be firming around the idea that the figure with the pouch of rings, collecting them from corpses on a winter battlefield, is an orc whose name is Rot (the unconfirmed Japanese romanisation is “Lot.”). We don’t know for certain, but it seems a logical conclusion that this is some sort of free-lance servant or agent of Mordor — since he asks “What would Mordor want with rings?” A Nazgul wouldn’t ask such questions, nor a close servant like Mouth of Sauron. However, it’s worth remembering that, in The Two Towers, Grishnákh seems aware that there are Rings of Power.
The thought came suddenly into Pippin’s mind, as if caught direct from the urgent thought of his enemy: ‘Grishnákh knows about the Ring! He’s looking for it, while Uglúk is busy: he probably wants it for himself.’ Cold fear was in Pippin’s heart, yet at the same time he was wondering what use he could make of Grishnákh’s desire.
This is never more fully explained, but Pippin’s conclusion seems correct: at least some orcs know about Rings. How and when did they discover this knowledge is an interesting question.
Anyway, we’ll return to this Rot/Lot individual shortly.
The article then focuses on the cast, revealing some interesting details:
Takako Honda, who voiced Éowyn in the Japanese dub of “Lord of the Rings,” will play Olwyn, who supports Princess Hela [sic]. In the subtitled version, Miranda Otto, who also gave a passionate performance as Éowyn, will play Olwyn, making this a timeless collaboration.
Olwyn may be this character on the left of Héra, who is also seen in a scene on the Deeping Wall during the siege of the Hornburg. It appears that Otto is doing double duty voicing both Éowyn and Olwyn. Honda may be doing the same. It’s a little unclear.
…the role of Lot, an orc who is an important character in the story, will be played by Manabu Muraji, who was the Japanese voice actor for Meriadoc Brandybuck, played by Dominic Monaghan in “Lord of the Rings.” And the role of Rohan’s servant Leaf will be played by Jun Tatani, who played Hiccup in “How to Train Your Dragon” and also appeared in Kenji Kamiyama’s “Eden of the East.”
Leaf is probably the young … page/squire on the left. This shot shows the Olwyn character on the right much better.
The article then has some interesting comments from some of the Japanese voice cast.
The character I play, King Helm, is so strong that he is called the “Hammer King” because he can knock down enemies with just one fist. Just recording the voiceover for this trailer required so much energy that I lost my voice. This film depicts the emotional drama of King Helm and Princess Hera. As a parent of two children myself, I think there are parts of the story I can empathize with.
Loss and grief is such a prominent part of this tale. First, Wulf, through the death of his father, Freca. Then later, Helm grapples with loss as well after the deaths of his sons Haleth and Hama. Appendix A describes how he grows “gaunt with famine and grief” and when I spoke to Philippa Boyens back in 2022 she mentioned “the madness born of grief from the loss of a child” while we were discussing the role of Helm. She says she “saw the tales of him slipping out during the siege [of the Hornburg] and attacking the camp for his people as literally someone trying to — even with their bare hands — protect the people as the king should.”
Fuka Koshiba as Héra
Princess Hera was raised with the love of her father, King Helm, and is a dignified woman who is adept at riding horses and swordsmanship. Although she is hesitant at first, she is a strong-willed character who faces the crisis of the kingdom as a princess to protect her people, with a sense of responsibility and determination. The main dubbing of the film is still a little ways off, but I think that fans of The Lord of the Rings, as well as those who are watching the series for the first time, will enjoy it.
I find it interesting that Koshiba decribes Héra as “hesistant at first” yet faces “crisis of the kingdom as a princess to protect her people”. There’s also a snatch of dialogue in the trailer with someone, possibly Olwyn, seeming to implore her: “People need hope, Héra.”
That seems to me unlike Éowyn, who yearns for battle. In fact, as a described, she puts me more in mind of Frodo’s uncertainty when Gandalf tells him the truth of the One Ring: “I suppose I must go alone, if I am to do that and save the Shire. But I feel very small, and very uprooted, and well – desperate. The Enemy is so strong and terrible.”
Also, taking both Ichimura’s and Koshiba’s comments together, it seems that the Japanese cast has only just begun their work, and perhaps even have only voiced the trailer so far.
The appeal of Director Kenji Kamiyama is that he has created an entertaining work that anyone can enjoy while incorporating complex and philosophical elements. Wulf, the character I play, is not just a villain, but a character with his own reasons and drama.
This supports Philippa Boyens’ telling TORn that they have viewed Wulf as a complex character in his own right, and that they’ve been interested in exploring why Wulf chose to act as he did: “Wulf, if he’d made the right choices, it would have been a different story. He doesn’t. He makes other choices, and they’re very interesting choices – and where those choices come from is really fascinating. He’s one of my favourite characters ever that we’ve ever created.”
It’s been almost a quarter century since the first trilogy, in which I voiced Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry) in Japanese, was released in 2001. I’m really happy to have been able to continue to be involved in the world of The Lord of the Rings in various ways during that time. This film depicts the battle in Rohan, a place that has a special connection to Merry, and I’m grateful to Dominic Monaghan for playing a role that’s completely different from his previous roles! I hope you’ll come to the theater to see his transformation!!
It seems that Muraji was chosen because he’d done a voice role dubbing Dominic Monaghan before. Further, saying he’s grateful to Monaghan for “playing a role that’s completely different” pretty much confirms that the English VA for Lot/Rot is none other than Mr Dominic Monaghan. TORn Staffer Justin was on the money during our trailer breakdown chat earlier today.
Taya Hayato as Leaf
I will be playing the role of Leaf, who is Héra’s servant. Although he is a little timid, he is a kind-hearted boy who tries his best to support Héra as she walks through her cruel destiny.
It’s very interesting to hear it called a cruel destiny, rather than a heroic one. Again, to me, this sounds like Héra is more called by necessity than driven by inner-purpose. Or, to quote Gandalf and Frodo yet again:
‘I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo. ‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given, us.
Warner Bros. Animation is already rolling out short ads on Tik Tok and Twitter in support of the Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim. The first US domestic trailer debuted less than two days ago, closely followed by a trailer specifically for Japan featuring a dub cast of Japanese seiyuu (do watch the Japan trailer it has extra stuff!).
Check out this Tik Tok short below.
The ads all lead to a newly launched single-page minisite for The War of the Rohirrim — which currently features the US trailer, and a synopsis with the current English-language voice cast.
Demosthenes here. Hot on the heels of WB releasing the English-language trailer for The War of the Rohirrim, their Japan office has popped up with a Japanese-language dub version that is … nearly an entirely different cut. There’s different scenes, extra characters and, to me at least, the animation even looks smoother. Check it out below!
The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim. Japanese dub.
Courtesy of the fine folk over at Anime News Network, we have some additional information on the Japanese dub cast… and some extra characters! For the Japanese dub we have:
Fuka Koshiba as Héra
Masachika Ichimura as Helm Hammmerhand
Kenjiro Tsuda as Wulf (this is actually super-exciting)
Takako Honda as Éowyn
Taya Jun as Frealaf Hildeson
In addition,
Manabu Muraji plays the orc Lot (ANN notes this character romanisation is not official).
Hayato Taya voices the retainer Reef (ANN notes this character romanisation is not official).
I really, really dig the JP trailer. Somehow it manages to pack in 200 per cent more drama in pretty much equal runtime. We see more of Haleth and Hama, and Helm. There’s a snow troll and Helm looking absolutely demented with grief or anger. Oh, and Saruman is there as well! (We all knew he would be.) His introduction is unvoiced, so that particular casting remains a mystery for now.
Even more staff trailer thoughts
More TORn staff are weighing in with their reactions…
TORn staffer Weetanya
I just finished watching both the Japanese and English versions of the War of the Rohirrim trailer, and feel unmitigated glee at how the director, Kenji Kamiyama, turned these few pages of Appendix A into art. I love how the director wove Peter Jackson’s movie-verse into our understanding of Tolkien’s bit of Rohirric history, and love how the animation informs our enjoyment of the world and the character of Hèra.
The clips from both trailers show animation that is lovely, hand-drawn and elegant in a way that lends itself to the tale. The character art of Hèra is reminiscent of several classic anime heroines, including the noble horse-riding and sword-wielding Lady Oscar from Rose of Versaille, and the equally noble Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena.
The trope of a strong and virtuous woman denying romantic relationships for the sake of serving her people also rings true to anime – most recently in the director Kenji Kamiyama’s own past work for the television series of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, which revolves around an AI-inhabited cybernetic person, Motoko Kusanagi. This series also emphasized the work of a larger team and how it drew together to support Motoko as she solved crimes and explored questions about her identity (and what it means to be human), and some of the same themes might play out in the story of Hèra and her larger Rohirric family. Stephen disagreed with me here and said, “I thought more of the tough protector Balsa Yonsa from Kamiyama’s Moribito no Serei. I wouldn’t necessarily say they fight in a similar style, but Balsa also wields a spear. And it’s pure fantasy rather than SF so it’s more comparable.” — Fair point!
The story in the appendix is written with sparse details, but the ones that stand out are vivid. Here are a few points that I noticed, with as few spoilers as possible except for the moments that are in the trailer:
Helm Hammerhand ruled at a time when the land surrounding Rohan was being encroached upon by Dunlendings, including by a man named Freca. Freca is perhaps descended from a king of the Rohirrim, but he is of mingled Dunlending blood. After a council meeting one day, Freca reveals his designs of a union with the royal house of Edoras, and asks that Helm’s daughter (unnamed) marry his son Wulf. – All of this stands relatively unchanged in the trailer.
Helm says no and insults Freca, implying that his holdings are as bloated as he is. They battle it out, and Helm knocks Freca comatose. Later, he dies. – This is also relatively unchanged in the trailer, although at present Helm isn’t shown insulting Freca as he does in Tolkien’s version.
A lot of history happens, which Tolkien writes as realistically messier than the straightforward narrative that a movie requires, but eventually the Rohirrim end up gathering at a far-off fortress that has yet to earn the name Helm’s Deep. – The path of the muster is not clear as of yet, but we do see Edoras burning, and the Rohirrim eventually gathering in the fortress.
The most vivid part of the tale tells of the heroics of Helm himself and how he nearly singlehandedly defends the Deep from foes. – We have not yet seen this part of the tale in the trailer, but I do not doubt that it will play a pivotal role.
Singlehandedly? Well, Rohan called for aid, but Gondor was a little busy with Corsairs invading the coasts. – This part has not yet been revealed, but I am sure it will ring true to everyone who might have wondered where Gondor was when the Westfold fell.
Helm’s sons, Haleth and Hama, also play a part in this war against the Dunlendings, and earn their heroic statures in important ways. – We have seen them in stills from the anime, but their roles are also not revealed yet.
There is a further spoiler revealed in the Japanese version of the trailer that I will not share, but it happens at the very end of Tolkien’s tale, and sets up a tension between Two Towers that we know well from the books.
The screenwriters, Phoebe Gittins and Arty Papageorgiou, fleshed out the world in a way that carries on the spirit of the Peter Jackson movies, as well as what we know and can guess about the Rohirric culture. They have added the following things:
The screenwriters named Helm’s daughter, which JRRT did not do. They’ve named her Hèra, which is an Old English name (because Tolkien translated Rohirric into Old English for us), and based her character upon the Anglo-Saxon queen Æthelflæd.
They enlarged Hèra’s plot, which appeals to me because it carries on one of the best parts of Lord of the Rings – the part where a woman of Rohan saves the day.
They also added Éowyn as the narrator, which is brilliant. Is she telling the story to the son she has with Faramir, Elboron?
In general, I loved it!
Happy Hobbit: Staffers Fili and Kili
TORn Staffer Garfeimao
I really liked the use of original Trilogy scenes and music and then morphed the images into anime sequences, very well blended. And that scene of the group of riders (not sure if friend or foe) silhouetted by the rising full moon is just magnificent.
The voice over for hearing a story 200 years before the War of the Ring leads to an older tale, which lands us on a scene of Edoras in flames. And just wow, the flames of Edoras, and even the flames of torches held by the Rohirrim look so life-like.
This is followed by some very familiar Rohirric action, a horn blows, a horse and rider rear, and the troop rides off in a sound of thunder. There is then this amazing image of the Golden Hall of Meduseld with a starry sky behind it, dimly lit by torches. It’s just stunningly beautiful.
Seeing the inside of Meduseld is so reminiscent of the great hall we will see again 200 years later, full of the rich colors of the wood, the heraldry, and the fires in the sconces. Again, the artwork is so beautiful.
Once outside the hall, on the steps, while we hear what I assume is Helm saying ‘You do not seek an alliance, but a throne’ he also appears to be removing a ring from his finger. And then things go sideways.
It’s clear Hera and Wulf were childhood friends, but alas, royal relationships can’t always be that simple.
The appearance of the Oliphaunts and the siege machine speak to the peril Rohan is in while Edoras is besieged.
While out on her own, Hera encounters a giant eagle, which is interesting, I can’t wait to find out how this plays out.
OK, so what they heck is that tree monster? It can’t be an Ent, it looks more like the Watcher at the back gate of Moria, with sod and a tree growing on it’s head. And it’s got at least one eye, but looks like it could have two, and roots/tentacles with teeth, reaching out to grab the Oliphaunt chasing Hera.
We see Hera climbing up an icy cliff, with metal hooks, so she’s clearly on some adventure or quest for something.
There appears to be an epic battle between Wulf and Hera that I just can’t wait to see play out in full.
And the final scene after the Title card shows is someone with an accent wondering ‘what does Mordor want with Rings’ as he adds a new one to a bag full of rings.
Trailer 1 for The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is here! It looks … well, it looks pretty fine I think. If you haven’t seen it yourself, check out our trailer post here!
I’ve been chatting with Staffer Kelvarhin about it the last little while, and here are some of our thoughts. This is not a frame-by-frame breakdown, just some talking points that interested us.
Staffer Kelvarhin
Interesting callbacks to the original LOTR films, shown at the start of the video. The white horse of Hera and Hera’s entrance into Meduseld, harking back to Gandalf on Shadowfax and Aragorn’s entrance to the hall at Helm’s Deep. Couldn’t make out if Hera says the name of her horse, maybe something we’ll see/hear in other trailers maybe? Are they setting up this horse as a possible forefather of Shadowfax, an early Mearas?
Staffer Demosthenes
Addressing the second thing first: it could be that Hera’s horse is one of the Mearas. I hadn’t considered that. Note, she does state later “I am the fastest rider” and that could well explain why. At the time of the War of the Ring, no other horse possessed Shadowfax’s speed or endurance.
Did you like the callback intro? It’s a very unusual way to open, but then this is an unusual project too.
Staffer Kelvarhin
Not really, I thought it was a weird way to promote a new film. Why waste screen time on a previous film that’s set hundreds of years after the new one?
Staffer Demosthenes
It’s an easy hook and that scene of Otto on Mt Sunday looking out over the valley is iconic Rohan – especially coupled with Shore’s leitmotif. Only the Pelennor charge beats it, I think, but the Pelennor charge is not a good link: we need a link to place, not to action. That being said, Helm and friends later seem to echo the Pelennor charge in a desperate defence outside Edoras’ walls. But I think we all know that charge will end in failure.
Staffer Kelvarhin
They’re really playing into Peter Jackson’s involvement with this film, reflecting on past glories, for both Producer and Middle-earth/Rohirrim.
Staffer Demosthenes
I don’t love this. I mean, I know what they’re doing from a marketing perspective: they have all of 10 secs or so to hook casuals, and a big neon PETER JACKSON is very likely the most-effective hook. However, Kenji Kamiyama is a storied director of anime in his own right; I don’t love that WB feels he needs to be propped up. That being said, if the decision was put on me I’d probably (grumpily) do the same out of commercial practicality. Philippa Boyens also probably deserves more recognition for carrying the project.
Staffer Kelvarhin
Yeah, I’m not a great fan of it either. This is supposed to be a stand-alone film, maybe let it stand on its own merits. I thought it was strange emphasising Peter Jackson over Kenji Kamiyama. It just felt like they’re trying to appeal to the LOTR film fans, which is why I mentioned “past glories”.
Staffer Demosthenes
At the same time, they’re echoing visuals and Otto is even reprising Eowyn. That all feels fine and logical and justified. I guess we both just think the recent elevation of Jackson in the pecking order is a bit … cold-blooded?
Staffer Kelvarhin
I’m not really very knowledgeable about anime, so I don’t know if this is normal for that form of animation, but I’m really having a problem with the way the animals move, it just looks unusual to me, not quite natural. So, saying, when standing still the horses look pretty good.
Staffer Demosthenes
Animating horses is super-hard. Kamiyama and producer Joseph Chou have both talked about this and the amount of effort they’ve had to put into it. I thought it looked okay – I liked the charge from behind with the hooves throwing up clods of dirt. To me it compares well vs Attack on Titan S2.
AOT “cheats” and cuts the challenging lower half of the horse a fair bit. It will be interesting to see how much WOTR emulates this trick. I can’t think of other recent examples of horses in anime off the top of my head.
But maybe it’s not so good and I’m going crazy?
Staffer Kelvarhin
No, it just stood out for me as I’m not used to anime. My son loves anime and he thinks they look fine.
Staffer Demosthenes
It does have to appeal to people not used to anime, though. I think the greater than normal detail in the character designs is part of this effort. Much anime, especially TV anime, stylises character faces substantially (in part to reduce the volume of work). The colour palette is not too vivid, too. And the action and sound design is pretty realistic and grounded. That killer punch from Helm is heavy but, not you know, over the top? In fact all the human on human fights appeared realistic to me.
Staffer Kelvarhin
The inside of Meduseld looks pretty bloody good, the details are spot on. Love the fretwork details on the window when Hera is telling Wulf she doesn’t want to marry her. One little criticism though, women in those times, both real and fictional, did not get a say in who they would marry. It was decided by their fathers, especially in Royal families, where marriage alliances were very much the norm. She might not have wanted to marry the man chosen for her, but she wouldn’t have spoken out against it, she’d have abided by her father’s will, as that’s how she would’ve been raised. This scene came across as a bit too modern as to how she would have reacted. She might have railed to her maids, but not in public, and definitely not to her intended suitor.
Staffer Demosthenes
Did you notice that the portrayal here is that Wulf and Hera are childhood friends? It’s especially obvious with that pair of fight scenes. First they are sparring as youths, then (obviously years later) at Helm’s Deep they’re playing for keeps.
I initially wondered (because a lot of this is out of sequence) if Wulf approached Hera privately first. But now I see that can’t be the case given the dialogue. It looks like they have a chat while everyone else is filing outside for the fateful fist fight.
Staffer Kelvarhin
Yeah, I did. Bit of an intriguing dynamic.
Staffer Demosthenes
I think a lot will anchor on that dynamic. I did like the voices of Gaia Wise (Hera) and Luke Pasqualino (Wulf). Emotion, but not over the top. I feel like I need to hear more of Brian Cox (Helm) to judge him right now.
Staffer Kelvarhin
Visually it’s quite stunning, a lovely renditioning of the Middle-earth we’ve always known in the LOTR films.
Staffer Demosthenes
Did you notice the contrast of scenes that are green/sunny and those that are obviously deep within winter? That really stood out to me.
I also had some concerns about background blending after WB released their fourth still: it showed Hera riding through forest and the background seemed a bit “real”, as it were. But in motion it looks fine.
What stood out for you?
Staffer Kelvarhin
I was more taken by the scenery, especially the shot where she’s on her horse and there’s a plain and mountains behind her. I found it stunning, it would make a wonderful poster.
Staffer Demosthenes
There are some easter eggs.
Staffer Kelvarhin
A nod back to the LOTR films, with Helm saying, “You know nothing of war”. It’s almost identical to what Eomer says to Eowyn at the Dimholt. Hera’s response is almost the same as Arwen’s to Aragorn when she takes Frodo to Rivendell. These things probably won’t be noticed by casual fans/viewers, but for long time LOTR/Tolkien fans, who are notorious for picking up on these things, they’ll be pointing/yelling at the screen over these lol.
Staffer Demosthenes
Haha I missed that! I don’t watch the PJ films very much, tbh. If it was a book quote I probably would have picked it right away. Some nerdy book things I wonder: will they call it Helm’s Deep, or its original name, Suthburg? Will Freca and his folk have their own burg, or will they inhabit Isengard for narrative convenience?
Actually, it looks as though they are opting for Hornburg. Fair, i guess.
Staffer Kelvarhin
Is the head-dress/tiara Hera’s wearing the same as the one Eowyn wore?
Staffer Demosthenes
This one? From the TT EE (I think) funeral scene?
It looks different to me. I think they carry the same sword, though Greendragon disagrees with me and says it’s Thoeden’s .. Herugrim? We’ll see who’s right!
Speaking of headwear, did you notice that the band/crown that Helm wears is later being worn by Wulf as he and Hera fight. That scene is definitely at Helm’s Deep. Wulf might not actually take it from Helm, I think. I think it’ll just be part of the spoils from capturing Edoras.
Staffer Kelvarhin
Oh, I missed Wulf’s headgear! I think another rematch is coming up lol.
Staffer Demosthenes
I think Helm will still freeze to death outside the Hornburg. We get hints of that in the desperation of some of the later winter scenes I think.
Staffer Kelvarhin
I’m a bit confused about the rings bit at the end, none of the Rohirrim were ever given a ring of power, so why bring them into this? It’s a little bit distracting.
Staffer Demosthenes
It feels provocative. Certainly the Rohirrim have no involvement with, nor knowledge of, the rings of power. However, I can offer a possibility.
We know there is a character called Lord Frygt (voiced by Alex Jordan) in the film but we know nothing of his role. Scandinavian friends tell me that Frygt is a Danish word that means “fear”.
Now, we know that Wulf makes a terrible decision or bargain at some point that changes everything. In an interview with me (that now feels almost an age ago), Philippa said: “And there’s a moment in the film, which is incredibly gut-wrenching and powerful where Wulf commits himself to a course of action he cannot turn away from. And once he does that, the story darkens.”
I think it may be that this Lord Frygt is some servant of Sauron seeking rings for him. Some quick fact-checking reveals that The White Council became aware Sauron was seeking The One in TA2939, long after the events of the Helm-Wulf war, but when did Sauron *begin* searching? I can’t find a precise date and I think that’s an exploitable loophole.
What sort of servant? Well, a Nazgul wouldn’t ask questions like “what would Mordor want with rings?” But Sauron has many servants, some of them men. Wulf wants Rohan, and revenge. For that he needs an army. What if Wulf and this servant were to conveniently meet and strike a Faustian bargain. The price of the assistance that Wulf gains for his bid for the throne is … rings? (I had originally thought that the whole Wulf-hires-mercenaries-thing was completely independent of Mordor, but now I’m reconsidering: it may be more an arm’s length affair.)
Mordor (often via the Wiki) moved against the Free Peoples in this sort of fashion quite a lot during the later parts of the Third Age. If that’s the logic, then I can see it working.
But maybe I’m crazy. 😊
Staffer Kelvarhin
Interesting use of the original soundtrack at the start of the trailer, I think it’s what affected my appreciation of the original music that followed.
As, while the soundtrack is reminiscent of the LOTR soundtrack, with the choral arrangements, it didn’t feel quite as awe inspiring/gut-wrenching as the original. Admittedly it is a little hard to give a definitive opinion based on a 2-minute trailer, so I’ll reserve judgement for now. I did like what I heard and would like to hear more, but I wasn’t blown away.
Staffer Demosthenes
I noticed some Taiko-like drum sounds. I did like the vocal choir stuff. But maybe because it reminds me just a little of Kenji Kawai’s opening theme for Ghost in the Shell (the animated movie, not Kamiyama’s later TV series).
There was a lot of choir in that two minutes. I wonder if that’s going to be a trend for the entire film.
Did you like what you saw? Did it intrigue you, and would you go see this film?
Staffer Kelvarhin
I was intrigued by what I saw, it could be interesting to see how the story, as they’ve set it up, pans out. Not sure if I would pay to see it at the cinema or just wait for it to be streamed though. If my kids want to go and see it, I’ll probably take them. How about you? What was your overall impression of the trailer? Will you go and see it?
Staffer Demosthenes
I’ve been wanting to see finished animation for The War of the Rohirrim for yonks. Descriptions out of Annecy and SDCC, while cool in themselves, aren’t especially useful for forming a personal judgement. Stills will only get you so far. You need to see it moving.
Now, with a teaser in hand that combines action and dialogue and sound, it’s the moment of truth. (well, the first of them.)
As someone who does watch a fair bit of anime, it was reassuring: although I wish it was a little more fluid in character animation, it’s still very solid. The character designs look good (quite detailed, too, and that increases the level of work for staff) and move well. The horses feel like almost like a triumph – I loved the clods of earth the charge we saw was throwing up; very dynamic — given the difficulty of that task. And the backgrounds don’t jar by looking too real/photorealistic.
Fights feel realistic and don’t indulge in over the top physics — something that is fine for, say, Demon Slayer, but would be I think would run counter to the general tone of Middle-earth. It fits the world that it’s meant to be portraying.
This is crucial: It sounds and looks and feels like Middle-earth.
If there’s one thing I’m not sure about, it’s the Watcher-like creature. I don’t love monsters for the sake of them and it’s a long way from Moria to Rohan. Perhaps there’s a good contextual explanation, though.
I’ve always really liked the Helm story – it might be my favourite one out of the appendices. I can see the bones of that story here: the marriage proposal, the fight, and the consequences that follow for Rohan and its various people.
The trailer teases later events and the Hornburg climax without revealing it fully. If you don’t already know the Helm story, or what happens to Helm and his family, this trailer is a bit of a mystery actually!