Fairly wide-ranging interview from Deadline with Peter Jackon conducted around the time of the San Diego Comic-Con.
It actually contains little that’s new: the fact that The Dam Busters film is still on the cards will be of interest to war-buffs who remember the 1955 original. And apparently Jackson and Mortensen have chatted about those 3D comments that Viggo made to press a couple of months back, too. Something something misquote. Supposedly.
Anyway, here’s the meatiest bit of the entire interview about The Hobbit: Continue reading “Jackson muses on his Middle-earth exit”
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It’s a tradition that goes back years for a great many of us – downloading the latest Tolkien movie trailer on Apple’s Quicktime Site. In the years before Facebook and YouTube, this was where we all turned to in order to get our first (second, third, fourth…) glimpses of Peter Jackson’s epic adaptation.
While the rise of the aforementioned social media venues has seen them become the premiere locations to catch trailers, video blogs, etc. – you still can’t beat the high quality presentation (and superior video compression) of Apple’s Quicktime Trailers.
Now, weeks after the premiere of the teaser trailer, the first look at the final chapter in the Hobbit Trilogy is finally available to view in high quality 480p, 720p, and 1080p video on Apple’s website. Continue reading “‘The Battle of the Five Armies’ Teaser now available on iTunes Movie Trailers”
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Warner Bros. behind-the-scenes efforts mark this as more than merely another panel — despite the fact it’s sharing a slot with Mad Max Fury: Road, Jupiter Ascending and Batman vs Superman.
The enormous, multi-scened wraparound panaorama that muralises the walls of Hall H declares the pre-eminence of The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies in the pecking order.
It’s the panel of the day. Continue reading “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies in Hall H: the details and the spoilers!”
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Well, the long wait is over. Peter Jackson and his team brought much Hobbit goodness to San Diego Comic-Con’s Hall H today, and blew everyone’s minds.
To say the event zoomed past at an overwhelming pace would be a massive understatement. We’re digesting everything seen and said, and will continue to update as we work through the visuals.
In the meantime, please read on for TORn staffer Mr Cere’s insta-summary of what was shown and said! And, warning folks, if you’re avoiding the details of the teaser trailer because you’d like to see it yourself first … there are spoilers below! Continue reading “Breaking: Peter Jackson presents The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies in Hall H!”
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Here’s a confirmation that a lot of folks have been been waiting to hear: Peter Jackson will be presenting on The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies at San Diego Comic-con.
On Saturday, July 26th, beginning at 10 a.m., Warner Bros. Pictures brings three of its most hotly anticipated films to this year’s Con: Peter Jackson will be on the main stage with “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” from New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, and George Miller will be on hand to present a first look at “Mad Max: Fury Road,” from Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures. Continue reading “Peter Jackson Hobbit 3 presentation confirmed for San Diego Comic-Con”
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Well, that was a surprise.
Even following our spy report last week that Warner Bros. (via New Line) had registered a new title for its trilogy of Hobbit films, I thought it unlikely they actually would follow through and make a change.
Mostly because There And Back Again seemed too established as a name and it seemed a bit irrational to toss away all that brand recognition.
On the other hand, it’s almost inarguable those two words The Hobbit are the true key that deliver all that goodwill (in an accounting sense) toward the films. And Warner Bros, with nothing more than the announcement of a mid-stream title change, have just scored the film millions of dollars worth of free editorial. That’s gold for any marketer.
Continue reading “How There and Back Again became The Battle of the Five Armies. And why.”
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