With the news that the NZ Equity Meeting was canceled last night, we are now getting some reports from the ground. Below you will find two reports: One from a witness to the resulting technician march (with pictures!);  Another from a technician marching with some exclusive information. As a quick summary, the general consensus is that the meeting was canceled last night when it was realized the protest group greatly outnumbered those in the actor’s equity. However, the worst news comes from Jabes report:

We received news tonight that the Hobbit is essentially lost to NZ, but maybe some drastic act would help brew enough support to present a solid case to Warner/MGM

Thanks to Ringer Caras Galadhon and Ringer Jabes for sharing their reports! Click ‘continue’ to read them in their entirety.

Continue reading “NZ March Reports – Hobbit already moving??”

Last night’s meeting of New Zealand Actor’s Equity was cancelled, and a planned protest of that meeting by a group of 1000 film technicians turned into a march through the streets of Wellington. It is all part of the latest happenings as New Zealand tries to secure the production of The Hobbit films. The group of film technicians, lead by Sir Richard Taylor, had planned to call for the end of the NZ Actor’s Equity Hobbit film boycott.

Speaking after the technicians’ meeting Sir Richard Taylor, head of WETA Workshop, told TVNZ that the New Zealand film industry was “at some level of peril”.

“The mood is one of great concern … Wellington film technicians want to be heard. They want to be represented in these very bizarre and strange events that are going on right now,” he said.

What does this mean for the production of The Hobbit films? The issue now is ‘where’ the Hobbit films will be filmed. It was assumed from the start that revisiting middle-earth would take place in New Zealand, but with these type of ongoing issues, we could see the production move elsewhere as Peter Jackson stated a few weeks back. TheOneRing.net is proud to have strong ties to New Zealand and we hope that some resolution can be reached asap.

We have posted a new poll on the site to get your opinion on the location of The Hobbit films, tell us what you think!

Here are a few articles outlining the events last night…

Hobbit films in ‘peril’, says Weta chief – NZ Herald
Hobbit Technicians meet in Mirmar –  Dominion Post/Stuff.co.nz
March over The Hobbit – Dominion Post/Stuff.co.nz

Fictional Frontiers with Sohaib which airs on WNJC-1360 AM Philadelphia did a segment with a TORn senior staffer regarding all the most recent developments with “The Hobbit”. You can catch it right here.

And, if you keep listening beyond the “Hobbit” segment, you can hear Naomi Novik talk about Peter Jackson and “The Lord of the Rings,” and “The Hobbit,” and her own Temeraire series which Jackson owns the rights to and plans to eventually turn into films.

Update: Thanks to our friend, Deleece Cook, you can read a full transcript of the TORn interview using the “Continue Reading” link below.

Continue reading “TORn senior staff goes radio to talk ‘Hobbit’”

A few weeks ago a labor dispute and boycott by a New Zealand actors union and Peter Jackson threatened to moved “The Hobbit” away from the island nation.

Now with Jackson and the union in a fairly quiet state while meetings, including some involving government agencies go on, everybody is holding their breath to see where two “Hobbit” movies land.

The union, Actor’s Equity New Zealand, is holding meetings Wednesday in Wellington and Thursday in Auckland “to discuss how we can work together to progress new industry standards for performers.” According to the website, linked after the break, the meetings are set for Wednesday in Wellington and Thursday in Auckland. Continue reading “More actors’ meetings in New Zealand this week”

There is a green light at the end of a long tunnel for fans who have been waiting to take the cinematic journey back to Middle-earth. It was announced today by the studios involved that “The Hobbit,” film will shoot starting in February 2011 with Peter Jackson as its director, showing in two installments expect to hit theaters in December 2012 and 2013.
Jackson said in a press release from the studios:

“Exploring Tolkien’s Middle-earth goes way beyond a normal film-making experience. It’s an all-immersive journey into a very special place of imagination, beauty and drama. We’re looking forward to re-entering this wondrous world with Gandalf and Bilbo – and our friends at New Line Cinema, Warner Brothers and MGM”.

Fans have been waiting for this announcement since the cultural phenomenon of Jackson’s first ground-breaking foray into Middle-earth, “Lord of the Rings” trilogy swept the Oscars with its final installment, “Return of the King,” in 2003. The New Zealand director was largely unknown internationally last century when New Line Cinema took a risk to finance three films based on the book by J.R.R. Tolkien. He returns to the fabled setting as an accomplished and much sought-after director after an incredible amount of adversity preceded the start of the films.

According to the press release:

“Jackson will utilize groundbreaking visual effects and his incomparable story-telling to bring J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel to the big screen. Both Hobbit movies will be filmed in Digital 3-D, using the latest camera and stereo technology to create a high quality, comfortable viewing experience. Jackson also co-wrote the screenplays with Fran Walsh, Phillipa Boyens and Guillermo del Toro.

Continue reading “Peter Jackson will direct ‘The Hobbit’ in two installments, three dimensions”

Peter Jackson Set to Direct J.R.R Tolkien’s “The Hobbit,” In a Two-Part 3D Production of Extraordinary Scope

(Los Angeles, October 15, 2010) The two films based on “The Hobbit” are now greenlit and will begin principal photography in February 2011, under the direction of Peter Jackson, it was jointly announced today by Toby Emmerich, President and Chief Operating Officer, New Line Cinema, Alan Horn, President and Chief Operating Officer, Warner Bros. and Steve Cooper, co-Chief Executive Officer of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc..

“Exploring Tolkien’s Middle-earth goes way beyond a normal film-making experience” Jackson says, “It’s an all-immersive journey into a very special place of imagination, beauty and drama. We’re looking forward to re-entering this wondrous world with Gandalf and Bilbo – and our friends at New Line Cinema, Warner Brothers and MGM”.

“Peter is a filmmaker of incomparable ability; having him return to Middle-earth to produce and direct is a dream come true. A true original, Peter is a gifted story-teller, visionary director and pioneer in film technology,” said Emmerich. “Reuniting with Peter, Fran and Philippa truly makes it feel like we are going ‘there and back again.’”

“There is no human being on the planet as qualified as Peter Jackson to direct these films,” said Horn. “Peter is incredibly talented and has the creative vision and experience to bring this beloved property to life in a way that no other filmmaker could. And the team of Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens has proven through their work on the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy that no one is more skilled at transforming Tolkien’s written words into a vibrant, living language that makes the audience believe they are not merely visiting Middle-earth, but actually living in it. We couldn’t be more thrilled and look forward to seeing ‘The Hobbit’ take shape under Peter’s stewardship and the team he is putting together.” Continue reading “Press Release from New Line/Warner Bros.: OSCAR WINNER PETER JACKSON TO DIRECT “THE HOBBIT” IN TWO INSTALLMENTS”