New Line, Warner Bros and MGM are pleased to have concluded successful discussions with the New Zealand government this past week. We’d like to thank Prime Minister Key, his Cabinet and the other dedicated New Zealand officials for their support and cooperation, which helped assuage our concerns and enabled us to keep The Hobbit in its proper home of New Zealand.

We’d also like to express very special appreciation to Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and the people of New Zealand for their tireless support of The Hobbit and their commitment to maintain and grow their vibrant film industry. Filming is scheduled to begin in February 2011 and we look forward to returning to Middle-earth.

The MGM, Lions Gate drama continues. The latest from Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. is suing billionaire Carl Ichan over the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. studio deal in federal court in New York, alleging the financier was “secretly plotting” to merge the studios. In the lawsuit, Vancouver-based Lions Gate, the studio whose films include “Crash” and “Precious,” alleges that Icahn realized by June that Lions Gate was in advanced negotiations with two unidentified studios. Aware that the deals might dilute his stake in Lions Gate, Icahn “took drastic and improper action,” the studio said.

Icahn, 74, the studio’s largest shareholder, undermined any proposed transactions by making false and misleading statements, Lions Gate said. He told the investing public that such a deal would be a “financial debacle” and issued press releases vowing to challenge any transaction and sue any entity that interfered with his tender offer, the studio said.

“Icahn opposed a merger with MGM not because it was bad for Lions Gate shareholders, but because it was good — so good, in fact, that he wanted to postpone it until he could buy as much of both companies as he could and thus extract for himself as much of the value stemming from the merger as possible,” Lions Gate said in the complaint, filed today in U.S. District Court in New York. Thanks to message board member Owain for the link.  Read More…

Wingnut Films has released a statement from Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh in expression of their gratitude to the New Zealand Government, Warner Bros., New Line Cinema, the workers, and the fans who supported the making of The Hobbit in New Zealand.


Filmmakers, Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh stated today “We are grateful to the Government for introducing legislation which shall give everyone in the film industry certainty as to their employment status. This clarification will provide much needed stability and reassurance for film workers as well as investors from within New Zealand and overseas.”

Jackson went on to thank Warner Brothers and New Line Cinema for their continued commitment to New Zealand. “Their respect for the skill and talent of Kiwi crews and performers speaks for itself.”

Finally, Jackson stated, “I feel enormous gratitude to the film technicians, actors and fans who came out in support of making these films in New Zealand. To the thousands of people who took the time to write and let us know they were with us – thank you. It made all the difference.”

The night is darkest ere the dawn… and dawn has ever been the hope of Men!

After days of closed door talks between New Zealand Prime Minister John Key and Warner Bros. executives, the verdict is out today:


Mr.John Key has only minutes ago announced at a press conference in the Beehive theaterette that Sir Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films will indeed be filmed in New Zealand.

Media outlets have yet to post links to any videos… but stay tuned to TORn for updates as more of the good news makes its way on to the interweb.



For a sample of how news organizations around the world are reporting here are some links: CNN, TVNZ, Bloomberg and ABC to name just a few. Video of the announcement has been extremely slow to load. Peter Jackson’s team hasn’t released a statement yet but is expected to.

The party has already begun over at our message boards. Head over to join in the celebrations!

Below is the statement just released by Sir Richard Taylor and Tania Rodger over at

On behalf of all our friends and colleagues at Weta Workshop, we send our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of the people from around New Zealand and the world who have sent us their messages of support.

Everyone here has tried to stay optimistic for a positive outcome but in the darkest days of the past week it has been the amazing support from the fans of LOTR and our family and friends which has given us the resolve to stay cheerful and positive about the outcome for these films.

It is a fantastic result reported tonight by our Prime Minister, the Honourable John Key, and we are grateful for the support of our Government in recognising the challenges our film industry was facing.

We are also very pleased that Warner Bros are happy to continue to see these films made in New Zealand – and thank them for their efforts.

Most importantly our thanks go out to Peter, Fran and Philippa, for their unrelenting efforts to see these films made in our country.  We are very lucky to work with such passionate film makers.

All our best and cheers to you all.

Richard Taylor and Tania Rodger

I might add we’re lucky to have such passionate people as our friends at WETA working on these beloved stories too. Our very best wishes are with you as you embark on your journey into Middle-earth once again!