We have a slew of new pictures from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug for your viewing pleasure today, courtesy of Empire Online, Digital Spy, Mirror.co.uk, & Sky Movies. Thanks to Sander Postema for sending in the links!
These latest images give us a look at Bilbo, Gandalf, the dwarves, Bard and the Master of Laketown Continue reading “New Desolation of Smaug photos from Empire Online and more!”
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A new day, a new TV spot for The Desolation of Smaug. This one features some previously unseen footage of Bilbo making his way down into the depths of Erebor towards the lair of Smaug. Appropriately, Warner Bros. have titled it Dragon.
Movie spoilers, of course!
Thanks to Ringers Xpayne, Sander and Huan for the heads-up. Continue reading “The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #9 “Dragon” is here!”
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This evening saw the release of the latest TV Spot for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug! Tonight we get a spot focused primarily on the Elven warrior Tauriel, though we also get a couple new shots of our main characters as well (keep an eye out especially for the shot right at the end!).
Having a character devoted TV Spot reminds me of the original ads for The Fellowship of the Ring (there were ones focused on Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn & Arwen). I very much hope that we see this trend continue in the coming weeks. Continue reading “The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #8 is here!”
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Did you feel like you wanted more of a taste of Howard Shore’s
Desolation of Smaug music after hearing those 30 second samples last week? Well, WaterTower Music has now made available one minute samples from each track of the Special Edition Album on SoundCloud! Continue reading “Listen to one minute samples from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug soundtrack!”
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For those of us who have made a habit out of collecting the various tie-in books that have been released alongside Peter Jackson’s Tolkien adaptations – Jude Fisher is a name that springs instantly to mind. She is the author of the Visual Companion books that have come out with each Continue reading “Creating a Visual Companion: Jude Fisher talks about her life in Middle-earth”
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Another night, another Desolation of Smaug TV Spot! This latest sneak peek offers a closer glimpse at Bilbo and the dragon Smaug – as well as a new shot of Gandalf and previously unseen battle footage. The video is up on Warner Brother’s YouTube page in HD, and we’ve got it available for your viewing right Continue reading “The Desolation of Smaug TV Spot #7 is up!”
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