A tall poppy statue that Weta Workshops’ special effects guru Richard Taylor designed six years ago can finally cosy up next to his Oscars. Named the supreme winner of the 2009 World Class New Zealand Awards last night, Taylor said he had designed the winning statue and produced a set each year for the past six years. “It’s really odd receiving an award you made yourself,” he said. “I didn’t know when I sent them up here [to Auckland] that one of them was for me.” Statue Taylor made for the cabinet
Category: Richard Taylor
Well, its April 3rd and that means it is time to announce the winner of the ‘Reclaiming the Blade’ Giveaway! As you know, TheOneRing.net teamed up with Galatia Films to celebrate the DVD release of ‘Reclaiming the Blade’ by giving away the ‘Late 15th Century Bastard Sword’ from Albion Swords! Entering the contest was easy via email or on our message board. We collected near a thousand entries and the randomly chosen winner is…
Patricia Lozon
Congrats to Patricia! We’d like to thank all of those who entered our giveaway. Your participation ensures we will do these types of giveaways in the future! And don’t forget to support our sponsor Galatia Films by purchasing your copy of ‘Reclaiming the Blade’ asap! [Contest Page] [Pre-Order the DVD]
The force behind Wellington’s Weta Workshop, Richard Taylor, has won the supreme award at the World Class New Zealand awards. The awards, presented on Wednesday night, honour New Zealand’s tall poppies who are successful on an international level. For the last 15 years Weta Workshop – a special effects facility of which Taylor co-founded and is the creative director – has created models, makeup and monsters for movies like the Lord of the Rings trilogy and King Kong. Business leaders honour Weta’s Taylor
TheOneRing.net is teaming up with Galatia Films to celebrate the DVD release of ‘Reclaiming the Blade’ by giving away the ‘Late 15th Century Bastard Sword’ from Albion Swords! A prize worth nearly $500! Entering the contest is super easy – you don’t even need to answer any questions! ‘Reclaiming the Blade’ is narrated by John Rhys-Davies and features appearances by many LOTR veterans: Viggo Mortensen, Karl Urban, Bob Anderson, John Howe and Richard Taylor of WETA Workshop. The DVD will be released on March 30th, but you can place your pre-order today at the Galatia Films website. So after you enter the contest, secure your copy of the DVD today! [Contest Page] [Pre-Order the DVD]
The March 20th edition of the WETA Newsletter mentions TORN and our ‘Cruise to Middle-earth’ vacation we posted about earlier in the year. Ringers on the cruise stopped by the WETA Cave for a very special treat. From the newsletter: “Our friends from T.O.R.N visit the Weta Cave – On a Cruise To Middle-Earth, a large group of Tolkien fans from TheOneRing.Net came to visit us. It was a real pleasure to have you here and to show you around. It takes a special kind of fan to travel all the way to little New Zealand. In the photo you also see Richard Taylor, Tania Rodger and Daniel Falconer who hosted the group on their visit.” >wetanz.com