The sword, in whatever form, remains an important feature in cultures around the globe. It remains a symbol of the warrior in an age when many of us never need to fight anybody. Daniel McNicoll has directed a documentary, “Reclaiming The Blade,” that explores the sword and its standing in contemporary society and uses many examples from popular culture to do it. Continue reading “TORn exclusive with ‘Reclaiming The Blade,’ director”
Category: Richard Taylor
Our pals at WETA sent us an update: Daniel and Magnus drive off to see Gino Acevedo in his den of cool. They also enlist the help of Weta Designer Matty Rodgers to put some insightful questions to Hellboy creator and comic book artist Mike Mignola who’s visited Weta for a couple of weeks. Listen to the podcast here! Continue reading “WETA Podcast: Acevedo & Mignola Plus a Dick Smith Tribute”
During my association with I have often felt very fortunate to know great people and be in great places. Sometimes I have been lucky enough to have my camera along.
Out of that vast TORn photo library that includes digital images, and old scratched negitives, I put a few images together with some music from Arjan Kiel, (with thanks to fan film ‘Born of Hope,’) to pay tribute to the whole community of
Click on the small triangle to play and to see the best fullscreen version, click on the box at the far right.
Happy, happy birthday to!! domain name was created exactly 10 years ago today and what an awesome journey it’s been. We can’t thank the founders (pictured below) enough, except to christen this day as “Founders Day” and to continue to celebrate on every Anniversary (who doesn’t love a good party).
A reminder, the celebration on our message boards is still going strong, with many fun activities and many well wishes from our VIP friends. So please join us. Here’s to ten more wonderful years!!
TORn’s 10th Anniversary bash keeps getting better and better. Our good friend Magnus from Weta just posted a birthday card to TORn from Weta on in the VIP message thread on our Feedback board:
“Dear Tehanu, Xoanon, Corvar, Calisuri and thousands of other friends, No website has provided such a platform for fandom and creativity across literature and film as and for that we salute you! Past, current and future crew at Weta will be forever spiritually connected to TORn and we are absolutely relishing the opportunity to take on future journeys together – there… and back again… naturally.
We have recorded a short tribute at
Where you can also see your card in high resolution glory.”
Check out the high res version of the Weta birthday card (pictured) and the TORn tribute video at the link above. You won’t want to miss it.
GaladrielTX writes: Profiles in History is running a huge auction of movie memorabilia at the end of this month. Lot # 706 is a limited edition The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring print signed by Peter Jackson, Richard Taylor, and Alan Lee and “two pieces of fantasy horror art”. It’s estimated to sell at $200-$300. Film buffs will no doubt drool over the props they have up for sale (from other movies), too. LOTR Goodies at Auction