At the start of the summer, TORn staffer greendragon had the chance to continue her series ‘Inside the Middle-earth actor’s studio’ – discussing the craft of acting (and other things!) with cast members from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings movies. This time she sat down with an actor who has been involved since the beginning of Peter Jackson’s Middle-earth films – the fabulous Jed Brophy. To celebrate the release of TORn’s new book Middle-earth Madness, which features this and other interviews, here’s your chance to read what Brophy had to say.
This is a LONG interview; the conversation went on for more than an hour, and covered topics ranging from how he started out in theatre and how he deals with acting in prosthetics, to what it’s like to have such devoted fans, and what we might expect in the third and final Hobbit film… This is part one of the interview – look for parts two and three later this week!
[Find out more about TORn’s book Middle-earth Madness]
Continue reading “EXCLUSIVE – Jed Brophy talks to”
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As convention season draws to a close, there’s still time for one last hurrah in the Big Apple! New York ComicCon will be here in two weeks’ time, and TORn will be there with bells on. (Maybe literally – you’ll have to come and see us to find out…)
If you’re coming to the convention, you can find us at Booth 3040, where we’ll have t-shirts, buttons, lanyards and more for sale, as well as lots of cool giveaways and fun stuff. We’ll also be giving a panel on Saturday night, 9pm, in room 1A21: ‘The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies – An Unofficial Look’. Find out inside scoop on the third and final film – be ready for spoilers!
Continue reading “New York ComicCon – party with and WETA!”
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Share: is pleased to announce that to celebrate the birthdays of Frodo and Bilbo, we are releasing a digital book called Middle-earth Madness. Join Quickbeam, Happy Hobbit, greendragon, MrCere, Kristin Thompson, J.W. Braun and the gang, along with Richard Armitage (Thorin), Sylvester McCoy (Radagast), Richard Taylor (Weta Workshop), Mark Ordesky (LOTR Exec) and many more of your favorites for an in-depth look at the first two Peter Jackson Hobbit movies as well as a look back at his Lord of the Rings.
With it’s scene-by-scene analysis and behind-the-scenes stories, Middle-earth Madness is your tour guide and backstage pass all rolled into one. Best yet, with no spoilers for the third Hobbit film, it’s a great way to look back and reflect before enjoying The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.
You can get yours for Kindle here. Or, check out a free sample chapter here.
(The book is available at Amazon websites worldwide. We will have the it available for Nook very shortly.)
If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.
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Our good friends at WaterTower Music have informed us that the score for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies has commenced recording in New Zealand. Continue reading “EXCLUSIVE: recording has begun on the score of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies”
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For the first time in North America, the complete film trilogy The Lord of the Rings will be presented live, in concert, at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center, New York, April 8-12, 2015. Beneath a giant screen, the Academy Award-winning scores by Howard Shore will be performed by 250 musicians, on stage, including symphony orchestra, chorus and soloists, in two trilogies, Wednesday-Friday, April 8-10, and Saturday-Sunday, April 11-12. The production is created by CAMI Music, and follows acclaimed concert presentations of the first two films of The Lord of the Rings trilogy at Radio City Music Hall (2009 and 2010).
The Lord of the Rings, In Concert, at Lincoln Center, features the 21st Century Symphony Orchestra & Chorus of Lucerne, Switzerland, conducted by Ludwig Wicki, which specializes in bringing films and their scores to life, and performs an annual program of film concerts at the KKL Luzern. Soloists and chorus for the 2015 trilogy performances at Lincoln Center, as well as related forums and other events, will be announced at a later date.
Continue reading “The Lord of The Rings, Trilogy in Concert Lincoln Center – April 8-12, 2015”
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August is a busy month for birthdays in the LOTR/Hobbit movie-verse. So from all of us here at, we’d like to wish everyone a very Happy Birthday.
Continue reading “Happy Birthday to Sylvester McCoy, John Noble, Alan Lee, John Howe and Richard Armitage!”
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