LOTR artist Alan Lee will be appearing at the Weta Cave in Wellington to sign advance copies of his new book, a re-telling of tales from Ovid’s Metamorphoses by brilliant British poet Adrian Mitchell. Read More. His appearance on Sat October 3, like John Howe’s recent booksigning there, is reassuring in terms of Hobbit news as it confirms that both LOTR film artists are spending time in Wellington as production ramps up for the films.

Comic-ConThursday at Comic-Con, immediately following its about an unofficial and speculative (but informed) look at the forthcoming pair of films based on “The Hobbit,” TheOneRing.net, with a big assist from Weta, will launch a physical scavenger hunt for dragon’s gold at the San Diego Comic-Con. Prizes will be provided by Weta and include the book “The Art of the Fellowship of the Ring,” signed by Richard Taylor, Alan Lee, John Howe, Gino Acevedo and Daniel Falconer and 50 Weta Dollars. Read on for all the details! Continue reading “TheOneRing and Weta launch ‘Hunt for dragon’s treasure’ after panel Thursday at Comic-Con”

WETA logoFrom the folks at WETA: We are very excited to announce that Weta’s good friend and renowned Tolkien illustrator, Alan Lee, will be doing a book signing at the Weta Cave.

Saturday 20 June 1-3 pm
The Weta Cave, Cnr Camperdown Rd and Weka St, Miramar, Wellington

Entrance is free and you should take the opportunity to explore the rest of the Weta Cave at the same time. More…

GaladrielTX writes: Profiles in History is running a huge auction of movie memorabilia at the end of this month. Lot # 706 is a limited edition The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring print signed by Peter Jackson, Richard Taylor, and Alan Lee and “two pieces of fantasy horror art”. It’s estimated to sell at $200-$300. Film buffs will no doubt drool over the props they have up for sale (from other movies), too. LOTR Goodies at Auction

Today’s nearly 3 hour long chat with Alan Lee was filled with questions about Alan’s involvement with the Lord of the Rings movies, his future endeavors, and his art in general. We had an open, unmoderated chat, so I’ve edited the log for continuity and reading ease. Questions for Alan have been italicized and his answers are in bold type. We’d like to sincerely thank Alan and Houghton Mifflin for giving us this opportunity to bring another live guest chat to you, the fans of JRR Tolkien. Enjoy! Continue reading “Alan Lee Chat Log Transcript”