Middle-earth fan Kieran contacted us recently to say:

“I’m an animation student at Dundee University, and we’ve just finished a 12 week project which I think you guys will appreciate! We’re massive fans of Tolkien, and we’re really pleased with our short animation… ”

So of course we went over to vimeo to check it out – and we were impressed! The vimeo page tells us, ‘An MSc Animation class project, in association with Axis Animation, to provide an unofficial short animation to tie in with the release of The Hobbit: Desolation Of Smaug. The project took 13 weeks and explores the mysterious origins of the dragons of Middle Earth. ‘

We thought our readers would enjoy it too – so here it is!

Concerning Dragons from Kieran Duncan on Vimeo.

Thanks also to Lilly for letting us know about this.


THE HOBBIT - FAKE BOFA TITLEIGN has posted a video with some interview snippets with WETA Digital Animation Supervisor Dave Clayton. In the minute and a half video, he discusses both Smaug’s impending attack on Laketown, as well as the final film’s massive “Battle of the Five Armies”. Thanks to Huan and Brandon Petkau for telling us about this! Continue reading “IGN Video: “Smaug will be a killing machine…””

BFI London Film Festival Awards - Arrivals:54th BFI London Film FestivalThe cast list for the next Star Wars film has been announced, and it has been revealed that our very own Andy Serkis has landed a role in the film. He joins what looks to be an all around excellent cast (several of the names on the list have yours truly very excited).

Who he is playing has yet to be revealed (as well as whether he’ll be playing a live action role or delivering a motion capture performance).

Regardless of whatever role he may be playing, we at TheOneRing.net would like to extend our congratulations to Mr. Serkis, and we look forward to seeing him in a galaxy far, far away… Continue reading “Andy Serkis cast in ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’!”

headOur friends over at Cinefex recently posted a blog: ‘Dragon Smackdown! Game of Thrones vs The Hobbit’. Inquiring minds want to know – just who would win in a battle between Smaug and Daenerys’ trio? Cinefex asked TORn what we think, so staffer greendragon sent along a few thoughts, to go with ideas from other ‘experts’ on the subject, such as Joe Bauer, Visual Effects Supervisor on HBO’s Game of Thrones.

Read the blog post here, to see what the conclusion was. Would Smaug’s cunning be decisive, or would the brute force of Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion wear him down? Let us know what you think, in the comments below!

Andy SerkisToday, our favorite master of motion capture performance – Andy Serkis – turns 50!

Born on April 20, 1964, Mr. Serkis has long held a special place in all our hearts. The extraordinarily talented actor was originally brought in to supply the voice of Gollum in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy. However, Andy became a much more integral part of Gollum’s creation than he could probably have ever imagined. Re-imagined through the use of motion capture technology, Gollum became much more than a digital creation. Those of us who sat in theaters on December 18, 2002, witnessed the birth of a new form of performance. What we saw was Andy, transformed into Tolkien’s iconic character. Continue reading “Happy Birthday to Andy Serkis!”