The folks over at Monolith Studios released the official story trailer for the follow to the hit game Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Middle-earth: Shadow of War picks up where the events of the first game end, with your two main characters Talion and Celebrimbor still looking for revenge against Sauron. This time our two main characters will create a “new” Ring of Power that they believe cannot be controlled by Sauron. In order to make sure of total victory, besides the new ring you will recruit followers who will help you in battle via the new large scale battle system. The trailer looks really cool and having played the first game I’m very much looking forward to playing this one.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War will be available for Xbox One, Project Scorpio, Windows 10 PC (Windows Store and Steam), PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro; the game is up for pre-order right now at all your e-tailers with Standard, Silver, Gold, and Mithril Editions. Currently Middle-earth: Shadow of War is due to arrive October 10th, 2017.
For more information or to join the Middle-earth: Shadow of War conversation, visit
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Tubine, Inc. has announced that they will be shutting down 19 of the servers that host their Lord of the Rings Online interactive game. The worlds that are currently hosted on those servers will be consolidated to the remaining ten worlds. Characters that exist in one of the worlds being shut down will be able to transfer to one of the remaining worlds free of charge. According to gamer Lady_Celebrian:
“We’re losing 10 US and 9 EU servers. In the U.S.: Elendilmir, Riddermark, Firefoot, Nimrodel, Windfola, Imladris, Dwarrowdelf, Silverlode, Vilya, and Meneldor. In the European Union: Estel, Gilrain, Eldar, Anduin, Morthond, Maiar, Vanya, Withywindle, and Snowbourn. Servers remaining are: U.S.: Arkenstone, Crickhollow, Landroval, Gladden, and Brandywine. European Unoin: Belegaer, Gwaihir, Sirannon, Laurelin, and Evernight.”
You can read and lean more about it in the World Transfers article, which also contains a good FAQ.
“The Barliman’s group who play together on Imladris are all moving to Arkenstone. You can come join their kin if you wish. They include the chatters Lady_Celebrian, Delta, Pippin, wisey, Lord_Elrond, and LadyArwen. Shadowfax is currently on Firefoot, I think. Message me (Lady_Celebrian) If you have questions, and we’ll try to help any players who need it.”
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Expanded Version of Award-Winning Action Game Will Include All Downloadable Content
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition. The expanded version of the award-winning third-person open world action game, developed by Monolith Productions will launch May 5 for $49.99 on the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and Steam on Windows PC.
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Yesterday, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor snared the top prize at Game Developers Choice Awards.
The open-world action game developed by Warner Bros. and Monolith took home the coveted Game of the Year award. Continue reading “Shadow of Mordor wins Game of the Year at the GDC Awards”
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Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment have now released The Bright Lord DLC, a new Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor story mission expansion pack, along with a new trailer and screenshot showcasing the content. In The Bright Lord, players become Celebrimbor and face the Dark Lord himself. Celebrimbor will use his new abilities to dominate Sauron and retrieve the One Ring in order to take control of Middle-earth. The Bright Lord DLC is available today for purchase and to Season Pass holders for download for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. The Bright Lord DLC includes the following features:
Play as Celebrimbor, the Bright Lord, wielding a Ring of Power to challenge Sauron for domination
Wield the Power of the One Ring to dominate and defeat your enemies. Activate the ring to become invisible and tear through your enemies from the shadows
Deadly new Elven Archery abilities with a rapid fire bow
New ways to dominate your enemies and build your Army including Shadow Brand
New Story Campaign, including 10 new Missions
Face the power of the Dark Lord and his armies at the height of their power
An epic boss fight against the Dark Lord Sauron himself for domination of Mordor
Face a more powerful Uruk Army with Elite Nemesis Enemies and Warchiefs up to level 25 and deadly new abilities
New Celebrimbor Skin
Play as Celebrimbor in the main Campaign
New “Test of the Ring” Challenge Mode
Play with the new Celebrimbor abilities
Higher level enemies (i.e., only way to get Level 30 Runes to take back to the Main Story Campaign) with the goal to Dominate rather than kill the hierarchy

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor delivers a dynamic game environment where the player orchestrates their personal plan of vengeance as they bend Mordor to their will. The game begins on the night of Sauron’s return to Mordor, as his Black Captains brutally execute the Rangers of the Black Gate. Players become Talion, a ranger who loses his family and everything he holds dear, only to be returned from death by a mysterious Spirit of vengeance. Based on the player’s actions with the in-game Nemesis System, every enemy encountered is distinct and can evolve to become a personal archenemy through the course of the game. As Talion’s personal vendetta unfolds, players uncover the mystery of the Spirit that compels him, discover the origin of the Rings of Power and confront the ultimate nemesis.
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Steam, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
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The Shadow of Mordor’s latest DLC, The Bright Lord, is coming out soon, and TORn was lucky enough to have a quick Q&A with Monolith’s Director of Design, Michael de Plater.
Continue reading “Shadow of Mordor DLC – The Bright Lord Q&A”
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