Lego has just debuted its fourth and final animated short for the Lord of the Rings. The epic lego-y conclusion follows Sam, Frodo and Gollum deep into Mordor and all the way to the Cracks of Doom.
Watch for the giggle-worthy Ringwraith cameo. Thanks to Ringer Pieter for the heads-up!
Bootnote: Lots of people are asking about the Lego LoTR game. These shorts seem to be solely for the miniatures, but there also appears to be a game in the works. There is a pre-order page on Amazon with a release date of October 1 2012. If anyone knows more, drop us a line at Spymaster at theonering dot net.
[Lego LoTR game pre-order]
Just before Comic-Con the amazing folks at The Bridge Direct graciously gave TORn two of their Comic-Con 2012 The Hobbit: AnUnexpected Journey ‘Invisible” Bilbo Baggins figures. Well, today we are pleased to not only announce the winners of that contest, we are also excited to share images from their booth at the 2012 HobbitCon…err…Comic-Con. The winners of the contest are T. Garner of Arlington, Tx and K. Stevens of Studio City, Ca! Congrats to both of you and your information will be passed onto The Bridge Direct. Now, about The Bridge Direct’s Comic-Con presence. The figures displayed at Comic-Con looked AWESOME! Fans got a chance to see many of the figures talked about in the line-up article we posted just before Comic-Con and these figures did not disappoint one bit. What fans also got to see where figures not shown in the line up article, including Dawlin, Balin, Fili, Kili, and Smeagol/Gollum in the 3.75 in. range of figures. We also got a look at Sting and the Dwarven Axe. Just from seeing these in person I can say fans are going to be getting some fantastic figures! According to our friends at The Bridge Direct, this is just the tip of the iceberg! Follow the break for the full gallery. [The Bridge Direct]
Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – The Bridge Direct Winners and Comic-Con 2012 Coverage”
As we reported earlier, today is The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit day at Comic-Con 2012 (aka #HobbitCon) and LEGO® was kind enough to send us this exclusive image of a brand new ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey‘ Playset! The set is called ‘An Unexpected Gathering’ and features Bag End with six mini-figures. As you can see in the image above, we have Bofur holding an axe, Bombur with a sausage and knife, Dwalin wielding a really large weapon and knife, Balin with chalice, Gandalf the Grey with walking staff, and Bilbo Baggins. As you can see the set is highly detailed with greenery, vegetables and much more. From the looks of the image we’ll have a nice inside component to play with as well. Stay tuned as we report more from Comic-Con 2012! [Live Coverage]
On July 5th we here at TORn exclusively announced that The Bridge Direct would have an exclusive at Comic-Con for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey with their “Invisible” Bilbo Baggins figure. Well, today we are pleased to help the folks at The Bridge Direct announce and show off the details of their entire line of collectibles from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The three figures we’re pleased to show off are Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf The Grey, and of course Thorin Oakenshield. These figures will range in scale from 3.75″ figures, 6″ figures, 2-Packs, Battle Packs, and Deluxe figures. Fans will also be able to buy replica deluxe sword ($14.99) and a replica deluxe axe ($19.99) both of which will help fans recrate battle scenes from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. These collectibles will go on sale online in September of this year and will be found in stores a month later in October.
Read Below for the full release from The Bridge Direct on their upcoming line:
Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – The Bridge Direct’s ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ Line-up!”
Today, only on TORn we’re pleased to introduce collectors to The Bridge Directs The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey exclusive figure for this years San Diego Comic-Con. The figure will be of the character Bilbo Baggins himself! This version of the loveable Hobbit will be in his “invisible” state while wearing The One Ring. As you can see Bilbo comes in a great looking display box with what appears to be a scene from Gollum’s cave. This 6″ figure will be available at the Gentle Giant Booth #3513 and Entertainment Earth Booth #2343 for $25 all while limited to just 3,000 pieces world wide. We here at TORn are also pleased to announce that because of the awesomeness of The Bridge Direct we will be giving away not ONE but TWO of these figures. Starting today and running through the end of Comic-Con on July 15th at midnight PST. Send your entries to my email to get yourself in the running. Please include your name and shipping info in the email in case you are one of the lucky, random winners. As the subject of the email put: The Bridge Direct’s Hobbit Contest
The official press release after the break: Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – The Bridge Direct’s ‘The Hobbit’ Bilbo Baggins Comic-Con exclusive giveaway!”
There is just one week until Comic Con 2012 starts with Preview Night on Wednesday, July 11. But aside from the TORn panel and WB’s panel for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, you may be wondering what else there is for a Hobbit fan to do. The Official SDCC website has put up schedules for panels, autograph sessions, films and portfolio reviews (aspiring artists, please take note). So here is your handy, dandy TORn guide to all things Hobbit and Lord of the Rings related at comic con this year (after the break)
Continue reading “SDCC is coming, what’s a Hobbit to do at comic con 2012?”