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The exclusive edition of Sideshow Collectible’s Boromir 12-inch figure is pre-ordering right now at Sideshow revealed today that the exclusive edition of this figure comes with a severed Moria Orc Head, and a Lothlorien Cloak with Elven Broach. If you are a newsletter member, you get to place your orders now – if you are not, you will have to wait until 3pm ET to place a pre-order.

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Last week we linked you a sneak peak at the Boromir, Son of Denethor 12-inch Figure coming from Sideshow Collectibles. Sideshow has since updated their preview with a striking image of one of our favorite characters from The Lord of the Rings. If you are planning on adding this figure to your collection, the exclusive edition will be available for pre-order at 10am PT Tuesday — make sure to follow the instructions on Sideshow’s website concerning Priority Pre-Order. Check it out!

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