boromir-lsbAs part of the month-long Fantacular celebration, Sideshow Collectibles has posted a interactive showcase of their entire The Lord of the Rings Legendary Scale Bust Collection. Hidden next to Aragorn is an item we have not seen before – and well, the Horn of Gondor sorta gives it away! We’ll probably see a preview for this piece in the next Sideshow newsletter. Follow the link to see the full Legendary Scale Bust collection and the new tease of Boromir. If you want to start your collection, the Aragorn and Legolas pieces are currently available as instock. [LOTR Collection]

samandfrododioramaLast week, Sideshow Collectibles revealed a small thumbnail of their upcoming Comic-Con 2009 Exclusive – ‘Mount Doom’ Sam and Frodo Diorama. In the latest edition of Sideshow TV (Sideshow’s video podcast), they have revealed many more views of the piece. While the podcast covers all of their Comic-Con 2009 exclusives, the Sam and Frodo portion is around the 4 minute mark. Check it out! [Feedburner] [iTunes] [Comic-Con Exclusives]

cc09-reveal-9721_thumbFor those of you who may not be aware, each year at Comic-Con, collectible companies release specific items just for folks attending the show. This year, Sideshow is releasing seven exclusives, one of which is a special Lord of the Rings item titled ‘Mount Doom’ – The Sam and Frodo Diorama. While we only have a teaser pic (see right) – one can deduce the diorama will feature one of the most dramatic sequences in Return of the King, when Sam struggles to carry Frodo up the side of Mount Doom. If you are attending Comic-Con, you’ll need to participate in Sideshow’s Priority Pre-Order on May 21st to snag one of these collectibles. If you are NOT attending Comic-Con, you will have a shot of approximately 10% of the edition size on May 22nd. For complete details, check out [Comic-Con Exclusives]

During my association with I have often felt very fortunate to know great people and be in great places. Sometimes I have been lucky enough to have my camera along.

Out of that vast TORn photo library that includes digital images, and old scratched negitives, I put a few images together with some music from Arjan Kiel, (with thanks to fan film ‘Born of Hope,’) to pay tribute to the whole community of

Click on the small triangle to play and to see the best fullscreen version, click on the box at the far right.

happy-birthdayTORn’s 10th Anniversary bash keeps getting better and better. Our good friend Magnus from Weta just posted a birthday card to TORn from Weta on in the VIP message thread on our Feedback board:

“Dear Tehanu, Xoanon, Corvar, Calisuri and thousands of other friends, No website has provided such a platform for fandom and creativity across literature and film as and for that we salute you! Past, current and future crew at Weta will be forever spiritually connected to TORn and we are absolutely relishing the opportunity to take on future journeys together – there… and back again… naturally.
We have recorded a short tribute at  Wink
Where you can also see your card in high resolution glory.”

Check out the high res version of the Weta birthday card (pictured) and the TORn tribute video at the link above. You won’t want to miss it.

Shades of Mordor Diorama
Shades of Mordor Diorama

Sideshow Collectibles has just fully revealed their latest in the LOTR Diorama series: ‘The Shades of Mordor’ Ringwraith Diorama. The very dynamic piece captures a moment in time as the Ringwraiths approach the Hobbits on Weathertop. While the Hobbits are not featured in the diorama, an exclusive edition (limited to 400) will be available and includes a Frodo companion statue. We don’t now about you, but we believe the Elijah Wood likeness on the exclusive is spot on! If you are interested in getting the exclusive Frodo statue, you will need to be eligible for the Priority Pre-Order event taking place tomorrow (friday, april 17th) at 10AM PT. For the complete gallery of this collectible and details on how to qualify for the exclusive, follow the links below. (BTW – Act before midnight, as that is the cut off time to be eligible for the exclusive) [Preview] [Production Blog with Full Gallery]