We all listened to and read Peter Jackson’s words from Comic-Con about three possible “Hobbit,” movies carefully. But we didn’t listen to all the words and we missed a few things.

He told us. He told us — he did.

He said exactly what he meant, he said it plainly and the media and fans (and me) tried to figure out what he meant when he told us in plainness. Monday, Jackson dropped an atomic bomb of news and fandom reacted accordingly.

“The Hobbit,” adapted for the screen from the 300-page, 75-year-old book by J.R.R. Tolkien changed from from two movies to three in the blink of a Facebook post.

More on the words we ignored in a minute. We need to figure out when these films break, what it means for fans and websites and studios and cinema and the director, but lets not rush past the size and scope of this news. Lets not walk around Paris admiring all the cafes and churches without also pausing and noticing the big tower in the center of town.

We witnessed, the last few weeks since Comic-Con, something monumental, unprecedented, unparalleled and a little bit crazy. Jackson (and when we say “Jackson” we always mean the director and Walsh, Boyens and a team of others supporting their vision) is in unchartered territory here. Continue reading “The bold ‘Hobbit’ trilogy decision and what to expect”

Ringer HobbitSized tells us that Lego has released another short. Two Minute: Quest of the Fellowship is a summary of sorts of the four chapters that we’ve already seen.

You’ll find that the narrative is slightly different, and it concludes with a very brief Bilbo-Gollum teaser at the end for the sets that we know will accompany the forthcoming Hobbit movie. Looks like Riddles in the Dark will definitely be one of them.

The release date given is Winter 2012.


A lot of people are very excited about the forthcoming Lego Lord of the Rings game.

We may have missed a couple of cool reveals about the game that emerged at E3 around the beginning of last month.

So here’s a re-cap, including an 18-minute on-stage demo that Nick Ricks gave at E3. It reveals a long in-game sequence from the Mines of Moria, including Balin’s tomb. You can also pre-order the game here.

Props to Ringer Lars for the links. Continue reading “Re-cap on the Lego Lord of the Rings game”

Lego has just debuted its fourth and final animated short for the Lord of the Rings. The epic lego-y conclusion follows Sam, Frodo and Gollum deep into Mordor and all the way to the Cracks of Doom.

Watch for the giggle-worthy Ringwraith cameo. Thanks to Ringer Pieter for the heads-up!


Bootnote: Lots of people are asking about the Lego LoTR game. These shorts seem to be solely for the miniatures, but there also appears to be a game in the works. There is a pre-order page on Amazon with a release date of October 1 2012. If anyone knows more, drop us a line at Spymaster at theonering dot net.

[Lego LoTR game pre-order]

This is artist Kevin Tong‘s interpretation of The Lord of the Rings as seen through the very familiar prism of everyone’s favorite mini-figurines — Lego.

It was “exclusively” for sale at Com-Con.

Not sure if it is still available. Anyone who does know, drop us a line!

Artist: Kevin Tong
Size: 24 x 36
Edition Size: 225
Price: $40

[Large version of poster!]

Lego has just debuted its third animated short for its Lord of the Rings game, this time with members of the Fellowship repelling the Uruk-hai hordes of Saruman at Helm’s Deep.

Thanks to ringer whatisabagginses for the heads-up!
