Iron Studios, who make some really neat collectibles, dropped a bombshell on folks the other day when they announced that they’ll be making items from The Lord of the Rings. The announcement states the line will be in 1:10 scale, which based on their other items in this scale should be pretty darn cool. If you check out their Facebook page you can watch their announcement video, and if you follow them on Instagram you can get some great previews. As we get more information we promise to share.
Category: Movie The Two Towers
Our friends at Weta Workshop have once again delivered a character that fans have been putting on lists of missed characters for years now. This particular character, if you happened to order the recent Treebeard statue, will make for a great pairing. Who is this character? It’s none other than a very cool looking Orc Grishnakh.
Limited to only 500 pieces worldwide and a price of $399 this one most likely won’t be around long. Sculpted by Jamie Beswarick this statue looks amazing with every piece we saw on screen included in the sculpt. Fans can also use the payment plan system to help them get this and with a release date of April 2019 you’ll have time to pay it off.
Our friends from Weta Workshop have delivered another hit, and another item that has been years in the making. Before Comic-Con this year, fans finally got a chance to order a character from Rohan, riding a horse; not just a random solider, but Eomer. Eomer had only been done as a bust in the original SSW line when the films were out, and fans have since been craving a proper statue. This statue lives up to the internal hype we’ve all been feeling since The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Lucky fans can still order Eomer on Firefoot and then come chat with us about it in the TORn Collectors Club.
Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Weta Workshop’s Eomer on Firefoot Review”
LAMoot is an inclusive creative space uniting scholarship with creativity. We invite you to participate and are seeking proposals for presentations involving the adaptation of everything from science fiction to fairy tales to Norse mythology. Please visit our website for the call for proposals.
First, we want to thank all of you who have joined Collectors Club and shared some of your very cool Middle-earth related collectibles. This has been so much fun having you all involved with Collecting The Precious.
As you all are aware we ran a contest with our friends at Gemr until the end of June. The winners have been picked, confirmed, and items have been mailed.
We want to congratulate the following members of the club: Congratulations @gabe.meek98 ! Who won a larger than life bus stop poster for The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies! We hope you have a wall big enough for this bad boy. Congratulations @madeyegamgee ! Who won Weta Mini Ringwraith Statue! It’s pocket-sized evil! Congratulations @feerthedragon ! Who won an XL Treebeard Funko Pop! It’s bigger than other Pops but a LOT smaller than the real Treebeard — so it will actually fit on a shelf!
One of my favorite lines from our freinds at Weta Workshop is the mini-statue line. As I’ve mentioned before, these statues are really super well done, and done at a price that allows for collectors on a budget to get some Middle-earth goodness.
A statue of Samwise was long over due, as he has not had one from Weta since the Sam and Bill statue 17 years ago. Samwise comes in with a price tag of $79 and is a short pre-order with a shipping due date of just this month.