If you have a spare couple of weeks to take a tour of New Zealand next October, Red Carpet Tours has setup a wonderful tour that includes Daniel Reeve. He will be leading sketching workshops and traveling with the group to a variety of locations where the Lord of the Rings movies were filmed. I haven’t had the pleasure of taking one of these tours, but according to the people who have, they are fantastic. [More]

Grordbort's Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory Weta Publishing is pleased to announce its upcoming Weta Originals/Dark Horse Comics publication: Doctor Grordbort’s Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory. The book is a thirty-two-page catalogue that chronicles the world of Doctor Grordbort. Inventor extraordinaire, Dr Grordbort has a gadget for everything, and in this meticulous catalogue of weaponry, he showcases a world where chivalry is not dead, advertising is beautiful, and rayguns look too pretty to be lethal.

Grordbort’s Contrapulatronic Dingus Directory

TORn Cruise - Click to Learn MoreTheOneRing.net’s very own Garfeimao has some intriguing updates for all those interested in going on the Middle-earth Cruise! She just found out that the cabin prices for all other passengers have skyrocketed, but not the ones set aside for us Ringers. Read the full details through the following link and check out the complete details of TheOneRing.net’s and Red Carpet Tours Cruise of Middle-earth! [Cruise Update] [Complete Cruise Details]