Category: Tours
The Cruise to Middle-earth made its way to Hobbiton the other day, hampered by some rain and a terrible crash on the road, but we made it nonetheless. For the three Brandybuck sisters, this was like returning home for them. The location is still just as beautiful and Shire like as it was in the films, while also remaining a working sheep farm. We encountered a good many sheep and lambs, and the things they leave behind. But no one really cared, not once they saw the Party Tree and Bag End.
Continue reading “Cruise to Middle-earth off to a rainy start”
November 23, 2008 is when the Celebrity Millennium will set sail with a group of your fellow Ringers for the Cruise to Middle-earth. One set of our Fellowship are already down in New Zealand right now doing a pre-cruise tour as part of the Wizard’s Journey. They are currently in Queenstown and will then transition to Wellington in the next day or two. The rest of us, on the Hobbit’s Journey, will join them this weekend. TORn’s own Tehanu is leading the Wizard’s Journey, showing everyone Rohan and Amon Hen, Rivendell and Ithilien, among other locations. I leave the US tomorrow evening and will make the occasional post from the ship so you will know what our Fellowship is up to. And yes, there will be pictures too.
Musician ‘Asni‘ sends this along: I’ve been working hard promoting my CD launch in the last few weeks. For those interested, below is my media release. I have finally managed to do a little work on my “Travelguide to Middle-earth” section, at least the photos and the info in this press release are online now, and it looks a wee bit nicer.
If you live anywhere near enough Wellington, please do note the date of the launch in your calendar! It is intended to be a bit of a farewell gig, since I plan to focus on things other than performing in the future – it may be quite a while until you get another chance to see and hear me live! So, do come – and don’t say you haven’t been warned. 🙂 Continue reading “New Tolkien Themed CD to Launch in Wellington”
Garfeimao writes: Celebrity Cruises is having a big sale this week to celebrate the upcoming Labor Day Holiday. The November 23 departure on the Millennium, the ship carrying our Cruise to Middle earth group, is one of the eligible sailings. This particular sale includes on board credit of $150 per cabin to be spent on pretty much anything you want on the ship. This particular promotion is only valid for new bookings.
But there are other promotions going on right now as well. Celebrity is now pushing to fill up their sailings down to New Zealand and have a whole host of other price codes available to the discerning Hobbit looking for a last minute vacation. You may qualify for a Regional Sale (depending on your state of residence), a Senior Discount (begins at age 55) or an Discounted Air Promotion (only certain cabin categories on the ship qualify). With all these various promotions going on, the only way to know if the Cruise to Middle earth is doable for you is to call me and get a quote for your specific situation. I’ve already applied many of these discounts to my existing group, where applicable, so now it’s your turn. [More Info]
From Garfeimao: The first Cruise to Middle earth was first announced at San Diego Comic Con last year, albeit with little fanfare, so it’s only fair that the second Cruise to Middle earth, also known as The Sequel, be announced there too. But I think I’ll give you a little hint here, just so you know to look for it at the convention. Oh, and comic con will be the last chance to get on to this year’s Cruise to Middle earth before the prices go up. Continue reading “The Cruise to Middle earth, the Sequel – full announcement at Comic Con”