I’m back! Bet you didn’t know I was away did you? anyways, got this little tidbit from Barry!:
I heard on the rumour mill that the voice of Gollum will be played by Peter Woodthorpe (the “unknown brit” Mr Deluca mentioned?). He also played the voice of Gollum in the BBC’s radio adaptation of LOTR (the one with Ian Holm as Frodo), and was superb in that role – so look to be impressed by his performance!
I have indeed heard this adaptation and love this idea!
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Xoanon here,
I placed a call to find out more about this ‘Ben’ thing. All I could get out of the office when I asked about his casting in LOTR is ‘it’s unsubstantial’.
Am I bursting casting bubbles today or what?
Posted in:
Xoanon here,
You may have heard rumors that Nicholas Lea will be in LOTR? Well it’s complete shash, Lea will in fact be in ‘The Veritcal Limit’ another NZ based film. Lea will play Tom, Vertical Limit is rumored to be a rock climbing adventure, a la ‘Cliffhanger’.
The Verticle Limit plot (thanks to Upcomingmovies.com):
Premise: When a group of mountain climbers on K2, the second tallest mountain in the world, become trapped in a “vertical cave” (essentially a pit on the side of the mountain), the brother (O’Donnell) of one of the climbers (Tunney) comes out of retirement to lead the effort to save them.
There, can we get back to LOTR now?
Posted in:
Xoanon here,
The rumor about Steve Buscemi being the voice/model for Gollum is, as I said, completely untrue. A letter from Mr. Deluca confirmed it.
‘Nope, he’s some unknown Brit’
Don’t want to say I told you so….
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News has reached me via TheOneRing.com that WETA are using Steve Buscemi, an actor that has appeared in many movies, such as Armaggedon, Fargo, The Big Lebowski and Con Air, as a model for the emaciated Hobbit.
I have a few friends at Weta, (I DON’T work there myself), and as we were talking a bit about digital character animation, they told me that they were gearing up towards the building/animating of a fully digital main character. So I said ‘yeah, nothing new, everybody knows you’re doing Gollum for lotr’. Then he said ‘ok, but did you know that we’re using Steve Buschemi as a template?’ (!!?)
I was more than a little surprised. But they insisted that they’re using Buschemi not only for facial expressions but also for the lipsynch testphase.
I find this highly unlilkey to be true, the good folks at WETA (I have spoken with a few) are very nice, but they cannot give away info of that nature. It remains to be seen, but don’t hold your breath.
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Ned has sent this in to me and all I can say is keep those barf bags handy!
Big Shock! Fan Dismay! End of Middle Earth as we know it! I have it from a very reliable source that Leonardo DiCaprio has been cast for the film…with his boyish face and lithe figure he could only be…you guessed it…Galadriel.
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