Xoanon here,
Just a few more names to throw into the Rings, NZ ONFILM is reporting that Bruce ‘Die Hard’ Willis is petitioning PJ for a role in ‘Fellowship’.
Premiere magazine reports that Bruce Willis has also called Jackson seeking a role in the trilogy.
And as production rolls on, a few more crew names begin to slip my way.
Nick Weir as props master, Jill Westwalker as assistant props master, and Nick Riera as props buyer.
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Tehanu here from the Grey Havens,
Sorry, this one is a bit ‘in-house’ for New Zealanders…or people who have been here!
I consulted with Rutherford the calculating cat, (the one who is learning to type,) and he drew a Venn diagram to show the intersection of the sets of people who surf the Net, are interested in Lord of the Rings, are interested in photography, live in or have been to NZ, and have been hiking in Fiordland or the Southern Alps. Rutherford reckons it is a pretty tiny subset, but it does exist.
So if you’re out there and you have photos of parts of New Zealand that look like you’ve always imagined Middle Earth to look, why not send them to us and have your work posted up for a bit of web fame? We’d love to be able to put up some big pictures of the area round Queenstown, Wanaka, all that lovely Central Otago stuff. Y’know, the borders of Rohan? Also for those of you that have been down to Milford and Te Anau, how about some pics of that dark mysterious forest they have down there? And Rivendell, can anyone imagine where that might be?
If anyone has a photo of Moria Gate, north of Karamea (it really exists! I’ve seen it on maps!) we’d love to see that too, just out of curiosity. Those mapmakers were Tolkien fiends too, it seems.
We’ll put your name on your pics to give you the credit for them it you want, of course.
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Picked this up from Calisuri (since when was he a news man?) thanks bud.
From Corona comes an interesting scoop regarding talks of more casting by director Peter Jackson: Yes, at least one conversation has transpired between Ian McKellen and Jackson regarding the role of Gandalf. Not certain this has been he has PASSED on yet, but remember that any actor who takes on this job will in effect be committing to his next THREE films and the next TWO AND A HALF YEARS of his life. Not certain that McKellen wants to make either of those commitments. For now, let’s still consider this job IN PLAY.”
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Xoanon here,
Recieved this from a fan of the site who tried to audition. Let him tell you the rest…
Well the day dawned bright and blue and still and just as pretty as can be and off we went to Alexandra. Joined the queue at 11 a.m. and had fun? People watching and trying to remember what it is to be patient. Got in the door around 12.30 p. m. – filled in the form and had ourselves measured and pictured and all finished by 1 p.m.
What was good about it? Well you seldom see such a cross-section of humanity all in one place in Central Otago and they were all very well behaved (no queue jumping and no bitching). The staff were civil, efficient and good natured.
What was bad about it? Probably the thing which was worst – by the time I came to filling in the form all I could really think about was “when can I get some lunch?” But then I am a bit of a slave to my stomach… I suppose I could have thought of more things which would have marked me as valuable to the film if I had been concentrating more. Timing is everything!
On the whole I was glad to have put my name down to play a small part in what for me is a very significant story. Lets all get behind this movie and make it live up to the book.
Have a good one,
Bill M.
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Xoanon here,
You know how much I hate rumors, but since news is soooo slow latey (something to do with a new space film or something) I guess I’ll post this.
got an email from Scott H
A friend of mine who is an actor (and waits tables to pay the bills of course)who has an agent and all that stuff, did some following up on how he did on his part,(he read for Merry). Turns out he isn’t getting the part but he did hear the Patrick Stewart was in the running and “a shoe in for” Gandalf.
I don’t know, can you all picture this? I don’t know what I should think. I do know that Patrick Stewart is an accomplished actor, so…
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Xoanon here,
With all the excitement over this Sean Connery thing it seems people have forgotten that there are OTHER things besides casting going on. This is all small news that I just want to mash together into one article because I damn well feel like it! (down boy)
Save Tom Bombadil!
My buddy Joram from Tolkien Movie News has found a cause, and he wants you all to help him. As you may or may not know PJ will be cutting all TB scenes from the film. Joram seems to think this and outrage. Click here and you can help save Tom from the cutting room floor! Elf Casting
Not really, Tehanu just turned my hair green because I almost forgot to mention she’s been talking with someone who is close to being cast as an Elf, not THE Elf, just a regular Elf, if there ever was one. Timothy Spall Anyone?
I’ve just received an email telling me where I can talk to people who represent TS. But it’s all the way in England and there is no fax number. So calling all you people in the Business (I know you’re reading this, having a good laugh at my expense) get in touch with me! 150 to 1 shot
Tehanu’s Elf friend is also a composer. She tells me he has lined himself up for the amazing job of creating the score for LOTR, but, he stresses, so have 150 other people…
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