On Monday 5th March The Coolidge Theatre in Boston honoured Viggo Mortensen with their Coolidge Award. (More information about the award, and the prestigious list of former winners, can be found here.)
The first event of the day was a press Q&A, which TheOneRing.net attended. There were about twenty reporters in the room, from publications ranging from student magazines to Boston newspapers, and the sound of cameras clicking was constant throughout the session. Mortensen was charming, easy-going and friendly; he began the session by commenting on the stage set up – ‘Nice flowers!’ – and ended, as reported here last week, with a teasing joke to the organisers.
When the floor was opened to questions, there was the usual hesitation whilst everyone wonders who will be brave and go first. A dragon is never afraid, so TORn’s own greendragon – ’tis I! – raised her hand. Of course I wanted to ask Mortensen something to do with Middle-earth! As you will recall, when the two Hobbit movies were first being discussed, there was talk of the second movie being a ‘bridge’ movie, telling the tale of events between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. In a 2006 interview with Ain’t it cool News, Peter Jackson said that he hoped to include ‘Aragorn protecting The Shire. [I’d]… love to work with Viggo again.’ I asked Mortensen about this, and if he would like to have gone back to Middle-earth; he responded with some surprise, (‘Did he say that?!’) and said, ‘It sounds like a lot of fun but I never heard from Peter!’ He added that he loves to go back to the ‘beautiful country’ New Zealand when he can, and that he also is looking forward to seeing how The Hobbit will be adapted for the big screen.
It’s been just over a week and I’ve finally been able to gather my thoughts enough to bring you a full write-up of all the fun and games which happened at the Coolidge Theatre in Boston, when Viggo Mortensen came to town! We have three parts of TORn’s write-up to bring you, plus links to some wonderful footage from other sources. If you’re a Viggo fan, you’re in for a treat!
To begin with, on Sunday 4th March The Coolidge hosted a screening of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. As fans know, it is always special when you get to see these films on the big screen, surrounded by fellow geeks; and there are few better cinemas for atmosphere than The Coolidge. It is an independent movie house which is everything a cinema should be – wonderful, knowledgeable staff, beautiful decor, comfy seats and wide-ranging programming. Whenever they can, the folks at The Coolidge show movies on 35mm film – they still have actual projectionists working away to bring you what you see on the big screen! (This meant that, whilst we saw the extended editions of Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers, Return of the King was the theatrical edition. The 35mm prints of the extended editions for the first two movies were made for ‘Trilogy Tuesday’ in 2003, when Return of the King was released; so there are no 35mm prints of the RotK EE in existence.)
Following the release of the blu-rays last December, we have started to get used to seeing these movies in crystal clear, vibrant hi-def. For me, however, the original prints have a richness and softness which is lacking in the sharpness of high-definition. 35mm offers a depth of vision, an almost golden or sepia warmth, which seems appropriate for Middle-earth. The Coolidge’s main theatre also has wonderful sound, so my seat vibrated as the balrog roared and I felt the need to cover my ears at the Witch King’s piercing shriek – perfect! The sold-out house of fans – almost 450 of us! – all seemed to enjoy revisiting these old friends as much as I did.
Wow. What a guy. You know, I’ve always admired Viggo Mortensen as an actor, and I do think he makes a wonderful Aragorn, but in terms of crushes I was always more of a Faramir sort of gal. Until now… Mortensen is charming, funny, humble, laid back, erudite, fascinating – oh, and did I mention, very handsome? During the various events at the Coolidge Theatre, Mortensen showed himself to be worthy of every bit of praise you’ve ever read about him. The internet is buzzing with excitement following his appearances in Boston; and here at TORn we’ll be bringing you a three-part report on all the fun. (This is a man who has A LOT to say!) Meanwhile, here’s a video of the moment when he actually received the award (the best I could get in a crowded room of excited folks!)
The excitement never stops – at any rate, not when Aragorn is in town! Today Viggo Mortensen was back at the Coolidge Theatre in Boston, and at a Q&A session following a screening of Eastern Promises, he decided that rather than just sing Aragorn’s coronation song, he would teach it to the packed theatre. So here’s your chance to sing along:
There is much more to tell and report – Mortensen is a fascinating speaker – and there’s another event this evening! Read all about it here at TORn – as soon as I can get it written up!
It’s all happening here in Boston! Yesterday the Coolidge Theatre hosted a trilogy screening, in honour of Viggo Mortensen – to whom they are today giving the Coolidge Award. It’s always fabulous to see the Lord of the Rings films on the big screen, and to enjoy them with an army of fellow fans. The 442 seat theatre was sold out – and everyone who secured a ticket was in for a treat indeed!
Jesse Hassinger and Mark Anastasio, the Program Manager and Program Coordinator at the Coolidge, welcomed us all before we settled in to watch Fellowship of the Ring. Between that and Two Towers, TORn staffer greendragon (that’s me!) had a chance to say hi to the crowd and to remind them all (as if we could forget!) that The Hobbit is coming! Then, just as we were settling again for Return of the King, Denise Kasell, the Coolidge’s Director, told us all that they had a ‘little surprise’ for us – and in walked the king himself, Viggo Mortensen! (More text after the video)
Thanks to all who entered to win tickets to the Lord of the Rings trilogy screening taking place at Boston’s Coolidge Corner Theatre on Sunday 4th March. The winners have been notified by email; so if you haven’t heard from us, sorry you weren’t one of the lucky ones! At time of writing, there were still some tickets remaining for sale – so head over to the Coolidge’s website to snap them up!
Don’t forget the other movie showings leading up to Viggo Mortensen’s presence at the Coolidge on Monday 5th March; three of his movies are being shown this week, details of which can be found here. Then the man himself will be there to accept the Coolidge Award on Monday 5th; the evening event is sold out, but you can still get tickets to the noon showing of Eastern Promises, which will be followed by a Q&A with Mortensen.
TORn looks forward to seeing you there! Staffer greendragon will be at the Trilogy screening – so if you see someone wearing a shirt with TheOneRing.net’s logo on it in gold, feel free to come up and say hi!