Irascian writes: I’ve just posted the transcript of Billy Boyd’s second Ring*Con panel along with a bunch of photo’s. Take a look! [More]
Category: Billy Boyd
Moffel writes: Billy Boyd will be on German TV Wednesday, Dec.1st. He will be on a show called “Die besten Filme aller Zeiten” (The best movies of all time) on Kabel 1(channel) at 20.15. The show will feature Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring in its Top 20 and Billy will be there and talk about the experiences he made while shooting the movie in NZ.

Today is Billy Boyd’s Birthday! Billy was born on August 28th, 1968 in Glasgow, Scotland. That makes him 36 today! Happy Birthday Billy!
Ringer Spy Raven writes: Billy Boyd and David Wenham did an interview with Nevermore Magazine. The picture at the end of the interview and Billy sharing about why he locked Dom in the closet makes it worth it to at least read the article. They also have a Comic Con 2004 report up with a few photos from the LotR panel & the Lost panel. [More]
Ringer Spy Mona sends in this story from The Scotsman: THE race is well and truly on to find a national bird for Scotland. Hundreds of votes have been cast since we unveiled our shortlist of 12 in The Scotsman last week. Billy Boyd – who won international fame as Peregrine [sic] Took in The Lord of the Rings – speaks up for his character’s namesake, the peregrine falcon. [More]
Master of Ceremonies-spectaculaire Marc B. Lee wrote in to tell us that Billy Boyd is the latest addition to this years Ring*Con in Bonn, Germany! read more about it here or visit the official website at!