Not for the first time in his life, Glaswegian actor Billy Boyd is on a quest. He has already had a fair stab at adventure as Pippin the hobbit in Peter Jackson’s Lord Of The Rings trilogy but, having helped save Middle Earth, his latest mission involves guitars and chords rather than swords and hirsute hobbit feet.
Boyd is the vocalist and guitarist for up and coming four-piece band Beecake. The foursome have got gigs in the States under their belt, a headliner at King Tut’s coming up, interest from record labels and an appearance at next year’s Wickerman Festival. Happily, unlike Boyd’s previous journey, conquering the charts won’t need two hours a day in make-up. Fellowship of the guitar string
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Pipkin Sweetgrass writes: Could you please run a reminder that the 2nd anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is upon us and the gulf coast is still a mess, but the Billy Boyd’s Loons Charities cookbook Recipes for Disaster is still available and all profits are still given to the Red Cross for victims of natural disaster…? [More]
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Today is also Billy Boyd‘s birthday! Billy Boyd (born August 28, 1968) was born in Glasgow, Scotland. As we all know, Billy is best known for his performance as Pippin Took in The Lord of the Rings films.
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Penny writes: Billy Boyd’s band Beecake is going to have yet another gig! Beecake will be appearing at “The London Gathering” on Sunday 9th September.Tickets are available from Ticketmaster via The London Gathering website:
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LORD of the Rings star Billy Boyd will play in the Capital with his band Beecake as part of Saturday’s Cut the Carbon rally. The actor will join celebrities who are backing the event, designed to highlight the effect of climate change on some of the world’s poorest countries. Harry Potter actress Katie Leung will also be at the rally, which will take place in the Meadows. [More]
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sahara writes: Billy Boyd will be appearing at the NEC in Birmingham at the memorabilia show on the 7 and 8 of July 2007.
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