According to an article in the today, actor Billy Boyd (Pippin) is planning a trip back to New Zealand this year to visit The Hobbit set during production. Billy, Elijah Wood (Frodo), and Dominic Monaghan (Merry) want to catch up with old friends and, for Billy and Dom, try to land even the smallest of cameos in the background. As Billy says in the article:
“Most of the guys have been back for a little trip or something but I have not managed it.
“I have been talking to Dom and Elijah and we are all going to go back this year. We will all go together, like a reunion trip. We want to go and see the sets.
“And while we’re there, there must be something for us. They must need a hobbit in the background somewhere. I can even put the big feet on myself!”
The article goes on to discuss Billy’s upcoming projects, music career and more. (Psst – Billy, if you feel like sharing some pics from your visit, send them along! We’d love to share your reunion experience!) [Read on]
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Veteran ‘The Lord of the Rings’ actors, Sean Astin (Sam) and Billy Boyd (Pippin), will star in the upcoming film ‘The Witches of Oz.’ The film, to be released in 2011, also stars comedic legend Christopher Lloyd.
The Witches of Oz follows the exploits of the grown Dorothy Gale, now a successful children’s book author, as she moves from Kansas to present day New York City. Dorothy quickly learns that her popular books are based on repressed childhood memories, and that the wonders of Oz are very, very real. When the Wicked Witch of the West shows up in Times Square, Dorothy must find the inner courage to stop her.
The official website for the film has posted a behind the scenes and teaser combo video to whet your whistle. [Check it out]
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Congratulations to Pippin, aka Billy Boyd, who got married yesterday at a service in Glasgow, Scotland. Billy married his long time partner Ali McKinnon. The ceremony served as a LOTR reunion of sorts as both Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan were in attendance. Read more in the following article. [Read More]
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To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Entertainment Weekly, we gathered 12 classic TV and movie casts for the ULTIMATE POP culture get-together. Classic Casts include: Back to the Future, Roots, Lord of the Rings, Pretty in Pink, Will & Grace, Alias, Northern Exposure, The Muppet Show, The West Wing, Gilmore Girls, Married with Children, and Scream.
What do you think about when you think about The Lord of the Rings? A few guesses: Gandalf staring down a fiery Balrog and proclaiming, “You shall not pass!” Legolas firing arrows as he surfs on his shield down the trunk of an Oliphaunt. Sam carrying Frodo to the top of Mount Doom, though he himself barely has the energy to stand. (Sam, if you really think about it, is the coolest character in the movies.) Aragorn being crowned king, then turning to Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, who have lowered their heads reverently, and telling them, “My friends, you bow to no one.” (Aragorn, if you really think about it, is the coolest character in the movies.) Continue reading “EW Presents: ‘The Reunions’”
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“Lord of the Rings” star Billy Boyd wants to appear in the upcoming “The Hobbit” movie – in a disguised cameo role. The actor played a mythical Hobbit in the trilogy alongside Dominic Monaghan, Elijah Wood and Sean Astin, but none of the actors are featured in the movie adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s prequel novel. But even though the film takes place before his “Lord of the Rings” character was even born, Boyd’s keen to convince producer Peter Jackson to allow him to appear in another guise. More..
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LORD Of The Rings star Billy Boyd has revealed he never made a penny from appearing in the blockbuster movie.
The Scot played a hairy-footed hobbit in the Tolkien trilogy which smashed box office records around the world.
But despite becoming a household name by appearing in the films, he says the role failed to boost his bank balance.
Billy – who is rehearsing for his forthcoming role in The Proclaimers musical Sunshine On Leith – said: “I don’t have any money.
“We were unknown actors – we did it for peanuts and for food.”
[Read Full Article]
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