Staffer Garfeimao updates us: John Noble and Sala Baker are confirmed to be signing at the event. Don’t be surprised if others from the cast show up too, we’ll try and tweet that if we hear anything.
There will be NO onsite parking at the Best Buy, they need the remaining parking spots for customer parking during the day, the rest of the lot will be taken up by the stage and equipent trucks and press area, and some other surpr…ises. So, please look for alternative parking during the day. Here are a few options: Continue reading “Monday update for today’s LOTR Blu-ray release event”
We are just days away! Get your costumes ready and join and fellow Ringers at Best Buy in Los Angeles on Monday, June 27th for the midnight launch and celebration of The Lord of the Rings The Motion Picture Trilogy Extended Edition on Blu-ray! The party starts officially at 12 noon on the 27th at Best Buy’s West side store at 11301 W. Pico. Blvd. [Best Buy Store Info/Map]
The first 150 guests in line at the store on Monday, June 27th at Noon will have the opportunity to get an autograph from cast members of the films. Costume Contest entrants will be judged by your friends here at and finalists personally selected by the four-time Academy Award(R)-winning Sir Richard Taylor, co-owner and lead creative at Weta Workshop.
Sala BakerSala Baker (born September 22, 1976) is an actor and stuntman from Wellington, New Zealand. Originally hired as one of several stunt performers for The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, he ended up landing the part of Sauron, the trilogy’s title role. In addition, he also played several Orcs, a Gondorian, and one of the Rohirrim. Outside of the trilogy, Baker has performed in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and two Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Sala Baker Wiki..
Sala BakerEd sends this in: I hadn’t seen anything posted on TORN about this, but Tuesday’s episode of “Deadliest Warrior” on Spike TV featured Sala Baker in the Shaolin Monk vs Maori Warrior battle. The show has experts for each side demonstrate the killing power of a set of weapons associated with them and the results are inputted into a computer where a program runs 1000 battle simulations to decide the overall outcome of the fight. Sala provided the demonstration of Maori weapons as well as some good background info about the Maori in battle. The full episode can be viewed on Spike TV’s website.
During my association with I have often felt very fortunate to know great people and be in great places. Sometimes I have been lucky enough to have my camera along.
Out of that vast TORn photo library that includes digital images, and old scratched negitives, I put a few images together with some music from Arjan Kiel, (with thanks to fan film ‘Born of Hope,’) to pay tribute to the whole community of
Click on the small triangle to play and to see the best fullscreen version, click on the box at the far right.
Sala Baker Sala Baker (born September 22, 1976) is an actor and stuntman from Wellington, New Zealand. Originally hired as one of several stunt performers for The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, he ended up landing the part of Sauron. In addition, he also played several Orcs, a Gondorian, and one of the Rohirrim. Outside of the trilogy, Baker has performed in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and two Pirates of the Caribbean movies.