Here’s a confirmation that a lot of folks have been been waiting to hear: Peter Jackson will be presenting on The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies at San Diego Comic-con.
On Saturday, July 26th, beginning at 10 a.m., Warner Bros. Pictures brings three of its most hotly anticipated films to this year’s Con: Peter Jackson will be on the main stage with “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies,” from New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures, and George Miller will be on hand to present a first look at “Mad Max: Fury Road,” from Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures. Continue reading “Peter Jackson Hobbit 3 presentation confirmed for San Diego Comic-Con”
As we speculated might be the case just the other day, the next trailer for The Hobbit — and the first for The Battle of the Five Armies — is going to be teaser length.
Peter Jackson just posted an update on his Facebook a few minutes ago, confirming the news and letting us all know that the teaser is in the hands of Warner Bros. marketing. Continue reading “Peter Jackson: first Hobbit 3 trailer will be a teaser trailer”
Our Russian friends at have some additional information about the long-awaited trailer for the final Hobbit film. Continue reading “More on what to expect from The Hobbit 3 trailer”
A little earlier, a birdie landed on our mountain and informed us that Peter Jackson put his final approval on the first trailer for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies just today. Continue reading “Spy says Peter Jackson has approved the next Hobbit trailer”
I’ve been reluctant to weigh in on the “when is the trailer coming?” apart from putting in the occasional “soon”. But it kinda feels as though there’s a mob of very hungry dwarves piling up at the front door right now (and me without so much as a seedcake in the pantry), so we recently put out some feelers to try and gauge what’s going on.
And, honestly, no-one knows for certain right now. That’s what it boils down to — it will come when it appears and as soon as we know, you’ll know. Continue reading “Some clarification of the Hobbit trailer situation”
It’s no secret that news about The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies has been thin on the ground lately.
One tiny nugget of news that popped up mid-week was the release of an official synopsis in German that did little but confirm things that we already knew. So, yes, Ian Holm, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving and Cate Blanchett will be reprising their roles in the final film. If you’re keen to have a read, head to Herr-der-Ringe for the German original, or check out the English translation on our messageboards courtesy of Ringer Ringer Arannir.
Continue reading “Watch the existing Hobbit Vlog footage that covers the Battle of the Five Armies”