We know many of our readers consider the Extended Edition of Peter Jackson’s Middle-earth movies the definitive editions, but what many of our staff really love are the extras on the home editions. Filmmaker Michael Pellerin is the architect and creative force behind the features that give us insight into the movie-making team and experience. In fact his team’s work is absolutely essential viewing.
So, TheOneRing.net is pleased to share with viewers, courtesy of Warner Bros., an exclusive teaser from the edition. This short clip (and please watch it in full screen in HD) is from The Appendices Part IX, from a featurette called “Barrels Out of Bond: The Elven Sluice”. Continue reading “Exclusive teaser video from ‘Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’ Extended Edition”
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One of the little extras on The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition is a clip of Benedict Cumberbatch’s original audition tape for The Hobbit.
In the clip, Cumberbatch reveals that two audition versions were shot — one showing his face, and one directed at the floor. He was especially keen to get some movement into his audition. Continue reading “Hear and see Benedict Cumberbatch’s audition for Smaug the dragon!”
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Warner Bros has a 30-second TV Spot (#1 of how many?) for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition. Lots of Smaug and fire, as you’d expect. Check it out below.
If you’re still trying to decide on the EE version for you, check out our buyer’s guide here. and if you’re interested in knowing what all the extra scenes in those 25 minutes of additional footage are, have a look at our extended edition scene guide.
Thanks to Ringer IncognitoBogey for the heads-up. Continue reading “Watch TV Spot #1 for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition”
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Eagle-eyed Ringers spotted Royd Tolkien in the Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition. You can see him here in this scene between Gandalf and Beorn discussing the tombs in Rhudaur.
And confirmed by Royd himself via his Twitter feed 🙂
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It seems that there’s some behind-the-scenes material on the Extended Edition of The Desolation of Smaug that reveals hints of battle scenes from the final films.
If you don’t have a copy yet yourself, check out the animated gifs from the Armipace Tumblr below for a bit of a taster. Also, if you missed it, you may enjoy our scene-by-scene breakdown of all the additional content in the DOS: EE. To check that out, just click here!
SPOILER WARNING Continue reading “Snippets of The Battle of the Five Armies from the Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition”
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If you’re in the market for a physical (BluRay or DVD) copy of The Desolation of Smaug Special Extended Edition, we think you may appreciate this handy buyer’s guide that Ringer TheHutt has laboriously assembled. It covers a number of markets (not just the USA and Canada): United Kingdom, France, Spain and Germany.
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Special Extended Edition buyer’s guide
By Ringer TheHutt
Like last year, there are a great many versions of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition out there. In the USA, there are exclusive releases (for certain chains only), whereas in Europe there are some interesting designs not released elsewhere. Continue reading “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Special Extended Edition buyer’s guide”
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