Just a week or so back Graham McTavish (Dwalin), William Kircher (Bifur), Dean O’Gorman (Fili), and Peter Hambleton (Gloin) went on Canadian breakfast telly to talk about their experiences on the set of The Hobbit in the lead-up to their appearance at the C4 Central Canada Comic Con over the weekend.
It’s a fun interview — made all-the-more amusing by the presenter mixing up who is which character right at the start. Have a watch and see if you pick it up right away. Continue reading “Four of The Hobbits’ dwarves go on Canadian breakfast telly”
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TheHutt, chief editor at Henneth-Annun.ru provides us a hands-on look at the digipak for the Special Extended Edition of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. We have to say, with a couple of quibbles that will make hardcore collectors twitch in frustration, it looks pretty awesome.
In fact, as a visual presentation, it’s nearly perfect.
A review of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug: Special Extended Edition DVD Digipak
by Ringer TheHutt
The UK DVD design of the Hobbit Extended Editions is somehow unique. In case one wonders, who would have a use for DVD in the age of Full HD, 3D and iTunes downloads, here’s the answer: collectors. Continue reading “Hands-on: a review of the Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition digipak”
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One of the best items from Comic-Con 2014 is coming up for Pre-Order next week.
Smaug the Terrible was so impressive and one of the most detailed statues I’ve ever seen. There has been so much packed into this statue to help recreate the amazing work by Weta Digital in bringing one of Tolkien’s coolest characters to life.
I know for myself, it has been one of the amazing pieces I’ve been eagerly awaiting to become available for order so I could get ready to add it to my collection. So the time has finally come to mark our calendars for next Tuesday, November 11th at 1pm PST. That is when our friends at Weta Workshop will put this superb collectible up for order. Make sure you get your order in so you can be one of the lucky 2000 collectors who will have a chance to have this in your collections.
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Following up on our recent news that a Norwegian distributor let slip that the main trailer The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is coming next week, Alberta Film Ratings has just issued a listing.
Rating is PG (no surprises there) and the running time is listed at 2 minutes and 24 seconds. Continue reading “Alberta Film Ratings lists 2:24 minute Hobbit 3 main trailer!”
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This is just a friendly reminder that this Saturday will be your last chance to see TORn live at a con this year before “The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies” is released. This is also the weekend before the Extended Edition of “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” drops, so you can expect a lot of discussion of what will be seen in both releases. We will be talking about the entire Middle-earth saga on film from the past 15 years, as well as things to come for Tolkien fans. So join us on Saturday, November 1 at 4pm in room 304ABC for one last ‘Unofficial’ look at The Hobbit. After the convention ends at 7pm the fun continues as we head over to the Glance Lobby Bar at the JW Marriott at LA Live (other side of Staples Center) to hang out and chill. RSVP for the mini-moot. This is not a formal gathering, no fee required and no space is being reserved, but with all 3 home sports teams on the road, we will have less competition than usual. You can pick up tickets and see details for the con at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo.
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A very Happy Birthday to the only actor to span all Middle-earth films (besides that grey wizard) Jed Brophy! Thanks for all the Orc, Nazgul, Elf and Dwarf mischief!
Here’s to many many more! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JED!

And many thanks to Tamara, admin of The Jed Brophy Fanpage on Facebook for the use of the above image 🙂

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