1 Middle-earth cosplay SDCC2015San Diego Comic Con 2015 is now in the books, let’s do a little recap for any all things related to Tolkien fandom and TORn. The TORn panel, titled “What’s next for Tolkien Fans?” was on Friday afternoon, and directly after the panel we had our annual Tolkien themed Cosplay photo Op, as seen in the first photo.

The panel itself began at 4pm, but without the snazzy little visual presentation we normally have. The laptop that the presentation was on, and had been operating just 2 hours earlier, decided it was taking the afternoon off. Apparently it helped the panel move along at a quicker pace, leaving plenty of room for questions at the end. So, what was discussed in the panel, what IS next for Tolkien fans? Continue reading “TORn’s SDCC 2015 wrap us”

benedict cumberbatch

Join us here at TheOneRing.net in wishing a very happy birthday to everyone’s favorite dragon/dark lord, Benedict Cumberbatch. Okay, he’s also our favorite detective, soldier, spy, crypotgrapher, mad scientist and monster. One thing is for certain, his distinctive voice and vocal skills added depth to both his roles as Smaug the dragon and The Necromance in The Hobbit movies, and were a delight to listen and tremble to. Many happy returns, oh Benedict, the Tremendous!

IMG_5664We’ve completed another Comic-Con and once again our friends at Weta Workshop did not disappoint. There are new pieces from both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, thus letting fans add to the amazing work from Weta many of us already have. From The Lord of the Rings comes one of the coolest looking orcs in the Uruk-hai Swordsman piece, another great environment in Minas Tirith, and the mini line adds Frodo Baggins. The Uruk-hai and Minas Tirith are due to ship during quarter four of this year while Frodo is due in quarter three.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Weta Workshop Comic-Con 2015 Booth Tour”

San Diego Comic Con

Edited to Add and update details: 

What’s Next for Tolkien Fans
From cast and crew interviews to having a staffer assigned as an embedded reporter on set, TheOneRing.net has had a front row seat these past 16 years as Peter Jackson’s Middle-Earth films were created. Now that all the films have been released, the only thing remaining for fans is the extended edition of The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies and rumors of possible Tolkien biopics on the horizon. Join staffers Cathy Udovch (special events coordinator), Clifford Broadway (TORn tuesday), Josh Rubinstein (TORn bookclub), Kellie Rice (Happy Hobbit), and Larry Curtis (senior staff writer) for an in-depth discussion full of expert analysis, behind-the-scenes stories and audience participation with the website forged by and for fans of J. R. R. Tolkien.
Friday July 10, 2015 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Room 25ABC

The 2015 edition of San Diego Comic Con is coming up in just 3 short weeks, and TheOneRing.net will be there. We will not have a booth this year, but we will be hosting a panel on Friday afternoon, July 10, called “What’s next for Tolkien Fans”. We just can’t give any further details until the official schedule is posted next week. Please do plan to wear your Tolkien finery on Friday if you are able. That means costumes, TORn shirts, whatever you have that shows your affinity for all things Middle-earth. Since this may well be TORn’s final big appearance at SDCC (we won’t know until next year if they will invite us back), so let’s go out in style. There will be a mass photo of fans in TORn shirts or other Tolkien themed tees, Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves and other denizens of Middle-earth, directly after the panel out on the front steps between Ballroom 20 and the Sails Pavillion. You will have to take the escalators to the ground floor in order to exit to get to the front steps, but this will allow any non-ticket holders to participate. So do plan to represent Middle-earth and we’ll see you on Friday, July 10, Costumes or geeky shirts are equally welcome, this photo event will take place between 5:15pm and 5:30pm.

GCC-LogoThere will also be a TORn Moot that Friday evening, but instead of the Laketown Luau we had last year, which forced us to charge money to attend, we decided to go a little more casual. So, without further ado, all Tolkien fans attending SDCC and those locals that are not attending are invited to an ‘Ice Cream Social’ at the Ghirardelli Ice Cream and Chocolate Shop in the Gaslamp District, located at 643 5th ave. We’ll begin at 7:30pm, giving everyone time to make it into the Gaslamp District after the hall closes, and run till 10pm.You can RSVP at our Facebook Event page for “We’re Taking the Hobbits to IceCreamGard”


Now here’s the rub, Ghirardelli does not take reservations, so everyone will just have to show up, grab whatever chair or table is available, and eat their yummy goodness. We may end up scattered about the place, but that’s OK, we are all Tolkien fans and we can socialize with the best of them. The shop is always rather popular and busy, the turn over is pretty quick, so just show up and have some fun with your fellow Tolkien fans, and there may even be a few prizes to win.

IMG_3123As we draw near this year’s San Diego Comic-Con let’s cover a piece that made an appearance at last year’s show. The really cool Smaug: King Under the Mountain, a.k.a. “Smauglet,” was one of the pieces that stole the hearts of everyone I know that was at the Weta Booth. It takes everything we loved about Smaug and shrunk him down to a size that fits in anyone’s collection. Weta did such a fantastic job of capturing so much detail and allowing collectors to snag this for a solid price of $125. If you order now or before June 15th you can get him for $99 and he is in-stock.

BofurIn our latest Library feature, Katelyn Rushe shares her theory that Bofur was left behind in Lake-town by Thorin Oakenshield on purpose. She raises some interesting ideas, and though they are based on the character of Bofur, they also throw some additional insight into the character of Thorin, as both characters are depicted in the three Hobbit films.

Continue reading “Was Bofur Left in Lake-town On Purpose?”

If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net. One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.