Fathom Events has come out with a trailer for the special showings of all three Hobbit extended editions in early October. The trailer, which is 2 minutes, 19 seconds long, contains shots from all three EEs, including The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Needless to say… spoilers ahead!
The Fathom Events trailer shows only a few seconds of new material sandwiched in between familiar scenes from the theatrical release. However, a quick eye can catch some tantalizing hints about some of the new material. Some of what the sharp-eyed members of our Hobbit Movie discussion forum are buzzing about are listed below (spoiler warning!):
Continue reading “Watch the trailer for the Hobbit EE trilogy showing”
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TheOneRing.net would like to wish a very happy birthday today to Richard Armitage! Some say it was the smoldering stares. Some say it was the way he spoke and carried himself like a king. Others just can’t stop looking a the hair. Suffice it to say that the entire package Richard brought to the cast of the Hobbit movies made the character of Thorin a most memorable one.
Of course, Richard had a very successful and versatile career before taking on the role of Thorn Oakenshield, distinguishing himself in theater, film, television and even audio recording. Who can forget the smoldering, conflicted character of John Thornton in the BBC mini-series, North and South? (I said ‘smoldering’ again, didn’t I)? It’s a rare actor who can find success in just one of those creative outlets, no less all of them. As you continue to add interesting and challenging roles to your resume, Richard, we look forward to following your successes – and, we’ll always have those Hobbit DVDs. Many happy returns!
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The day has finally come when tickets for the Hobbit trilogy in theaters are on sale! The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies will be shown on Tuesday, October 13, 7:30 local time. The event will include an introduction by Sir Peter Jackson and will be the first time the extended edition of BotFA will be viewed by the public.
[Update: Fathom Events has taken down the webpage announcing the above information. However, the dates and times for the EE showings as reported in this article are still correct. Also, although tickets *were* on sale online on Friday (when I purchased mine), the links to buy them are now also unavailable. The new date for online sales is now Tuesday, August 25. Obviously, a cat or two got out of the bag a little early! If you can’t wait until Tuesday, we recommend that you call or visit your local theater directly, as we have had many reports of people getting their tickets just fine that way].
The trilogy showing is being sponsored by Fathom Events and Warner Bros., and TORn has confirmed with Fathom Events that this will be a U.S. event only. For the lucky folks who will have a chance to see it, the next question, of course, is: where can I get tickets? A few weeks ago we published this link to movietickets.com where you can search for theaters in your area that will be showing the trilogy. Enter your zip code and the search radius, and you’ll get a listing of participating theaters. The “Movies” link at the top of the page can be used to search on the other two films.
The good news is, when I did a search for my area, a number of theaters were listed as showing BotFA on October 13th, including theaters in the AMC, United Artists and Regal chains. The interesting (and possibly bad news for some) is when I did a search on the other two movies, they were listed as showing at only one AMC theater: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey extended edition on Monday, October 5th and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug extended edition on Wednesday, October 7th. However, we urge you to keep checking for more locations either by using the provided link, or by calling you local theater.
Update: the Celebration theater chain in Michigan is also showing the trilogy. Same dates as above; $12 a showing which is the same price at the theaters we checked earlier today.
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As we’ve mentioned before, Asmus Toys is doing 1:6 figures from both The Lord of the Rings as well as The Hobbit. Our friends at Sideshow Collectibles are helping fans get both Aragorn and Tauriel by distributing them to collectors. Both figures come with loads of items allowing you to create whatever poses you want. Plus, if you order Aragorn you get a special base with an Amon Hen theme. You can snag Aragorn for $199, and he is due to ship between September and December of this year. Tauriel will be shipping to collectors a little sooner, with a shipping scheduled for September or October of this year.
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Clear your calendars this coming October! Extended editions of all three Hobbit movies are set to show in theaters over three nights and, of course, you’ll want to see them all! From FarAwayEntertainment.com:
Fathom Events and Warner Bros. are partnering to present the extended editions of all three Hobbit movies. Shown over three nights, the epic Peter Jackson trilogy will be the first time the extended editions have ever been released in theatres. Also included will be an exclusive introduction by director Peter Jackson. First night showing starts Monday, October 5th, 2015 at 7:30pm local. Tickets will be regular admission prices for each movie.
It’s not clear whether the three nights will be consecutive nights, as the AMC Theater website has The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies billed for October 13th. It’s also not clear if other theater chains other than AMC will be carrying the movies. Look for updates here as we get them and if you hear anything from your local theaters, let us know at spymaster@theonering.net.
Update-2 (8/4/15): the Celebration Cinema chain (mid-Michigan) has confirmed that they’ll be participating, but no dates are available yet. We’ve also had confirmation that the AMC 14 in Tustin, CA will be showing all three movies on the following schedule:
The Hobbit: AUJ Extended – Monday, October 5th, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
The Hobbit: DOS Extended – Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 @ 7:30 PM
The Hobbit: BOTFA Extended – Tuesday, October 13th. 2015 @ 7:30 PM
So, it looks like a tentative schedule is starting to materialize: two movies the week of October 5th with the final showing of BOTFA the following week. Exciting news! Thanks to gramma and Ryan for the updates! We’ll continue to report updates here as we get them.
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One of the pieces that stole Comic-Con 2014, and was a big hit again this year at Comic-Con 2015, is the amazing Smaug the Terrible by Weta Workshop. Sculpted by Lindsey Crummett and Gary Hunt this piece is a perfect representation of what we saw of Smaug during The Hobbit Trilogy. Smaug is easily one of Weta’s best pieces with some of the most fantastic details and paints we’ve seen. You can get Smaug for $749 with an edition size of 2000 pieces world-wide. He is worth every last penny. As you may have heard me say in my Comic-Con booth tour, if you only get one piece from The Hobbit then this is one you should.
Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Weta Workshop’s Smaug the Terrible”
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