Brisbane tabloid The Sunday Mail sent writer Neala Johsnon across the pond to New Zealand in June 2013 for a stint on the set of The Hobbit during pick-ups. This article finally popped up in the paper’s mag last weekend.
As The Sunday Mail — especially its longer, feature-style magazine articles — doesn’t really make its way online at all, here’s the article re-typed in full for TORn readers. Beware minor movie spoilers, there are a couple of new lines of movie dialogue below and more information about the situation in the ruins of Dale in the lead up to the final battle. Continue reading “Hobbit’s road comes to an end”
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Thanks to Ringer Bellerophon, we have the banner featuring Thorin, Fili and Kili in super high resolution. And for those of you who prefer a clean verison, we have that as well.
Just click for the image the large (5,000 pixel) version. Continue reading “Thorin, Fili and Kili banner in super high-resolution”
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The interactive map of Middle-earth created by Google has been updated, complete with locations from both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, as well as videos and quotes from the characters. Continue reading “The Google Chrome Middle-earth map updates!”
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Over the last few days, we’ve noticed theatres around the world are starting to put up running time estimates for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. IMAX Raleigh, for example, lists 144 minutes, and Swedish website has the same figure, as does Event Cinemas in Australia. Continue reading “More on the running time for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies”
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There are a number of wild rumours that have begun swirling about the Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies.
These all seem to emanate from an anonymous poster on the internet messageboard 4Chan who claims to have seen an almost final cut of the film. Considering that around 150 folks saw a rough cut with Peter Jackson in New Zealand just a week and a bit ago, some have assumed that it must be a fan contest winner. Continue reading “The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies spoiler rumours are false”
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This is pretty cool. Have a look at this speculative re-arrangement from Sammpo Alternative Channel of all the trailer and teaser and TV spots footage for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies rearranged into what might — or might not — be chronological viewing order.
Accuracy may be arguable, but this could be quite close to a short summary of the film. If you’re not avoiding spoilers have a look, and leave your thoughts below in the comments! Continue reading “All the trailer footage from The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies in chronological order”
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