Theaters, at least some of them, where fans can experience The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in 48 frames per second (instead of the decades old 24 fps of traditional film) have been announced for Regal Cinemas. The announcement also says that all 48 fps screenings will be in 3D. It is not known if that pertains only to the Regal Cinemas or if that will be universally true. (Editor’s note: I hope not!) Many states are not listed but Regal is not the only theater chain that is updating its projection equipment to show director Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films as they were shot, in 3D at 48 fps. But, when tickets go on sale November 7, Regal, at least for now, has given consumers the best information about how The Hobbit will be displayed, a win for cinema fans.
The post announcing the high frame rate 3D screenings explains (sort of) to potential consumers the reason behind the new technology and Jackson’s efforts to shoot the films in a new way. It is careful to point out that viewers will be able to watch the film in the 24 fps, stating viewers can see it in 2D, 3D, IMAX, IMAX 3D and “HFR 3D,” the term it uses for 48 fps screenings. (Most everybody else calls it 48 fps, but perhaps that will be confusing when James Cameron shoots at 60 fps so it is branding a term to cover both.) To read the entire explanation from Regal and to see its cinema listing, click here on a page they title “The Hobbit 48.” (Yes, Regal we are available for branding consultation!) We will post more theater and chain information as it becomes available and more on the technology behind these films in the weeks leading up to its opening. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey will be released in the U.S. December 14 with slight variety for markets around the world. Dolby Atmos, a revolutionary new sound system for theaters is also a possibility for The Hobbit but no details of participating locations are available.
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Share: has a long tradition of using digital means to bring like-minded friends together in real life. Internet friendships are even better when shared over a table of drink and food or a game, discussion or popcorn and soda. The Line Party tradition goes back to the early days of the site and the efforts have cemented life-long friendships. By the time The Return of the King rolled around, over 10,000 people signed up and enjoyed Line Party activities around the globe with many more enjoying the celebrations in person without ever signing up. The largest Line Party had over 1,200 participants but it was not the only one to reach beyond 1,000.
I personally have made many friends from Line Party efforts both at my local line and from people around the globe. A big, widespread effort from fellow fans also demonstrates that we aren’t just an online community but a real-world community that joins with others in celebrating the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Since Fellowship of the Ring hit theaters, users and staff at TORn have celebrated each Middle-earth film by lining up in our local neighborhoods. We even printed a t-shirt declaring: “One does not simply walk into theaters, there are geeks there that do not sleep,” long before it was an internet meme. So join a line and if there isn’t one to join, start one! Here at TheOneRing, we have done this before and, we might be good at it. We will help and support as we are able. What follows is a guide of the purpose and way to have a line party. We wish you the best success and look forward to celebrating a new journey into Middle-earth. (Line Party page.) Continue reading “Line Party 101: How to host or sign up for a Hobbit premiere viewing near you”
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Warner Bros. has released a new site specializing in the tastes of Middle-earth. Featuring such categories as sweets & treats, main courses and breakfast foods, it also provides a way for users to submit recipes. Steven Hunter’s Bombur is featured as the face of Middle-earth culinary delights and his cookbook is a linked tab as well. That may even be a clue into the character but more than that, it is a sign that WB wants to have a little fun with its December tent-pole movie.
The official description says:
Recipes From Middle-earth
Fellow travelers, we welcome you to sample this collection of recipes for authentic Middle-earth cuisine cultivated by the Dwarf Company’s heartiest appetite. Give each dish a rating, and submit your own recipes for others to enjoy and appraise too!
If you missed the link above, the new site can be found at:
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With the release of the new “Hobbit” app for Apple products, Warner Bros. has also opened the floodgates of new images and smacked viewers in the head with the ending of the first film, “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.” The app came with a spoiler tag, but we know there are plenty of readers who are trying not to know every little detail, much less the breakdown of how these films become three movies from one book. Honoring those folks, we have hidden the unmistakable image after the break. It duplicates the promotional scroll released right before Comic-Con (take a gander here) when there where still two films. That confirmed the original break and this one, the new ending of the first film. Our image focuses only on the last scene. An argument could be made that the scroll isn’t definitive but it would be a weak and losing battle. If you click, you will be spoiled so proceed at your own risk; You will not be able to un-see the image. Continue reading “Ending of first ‘Hobbit’ film revealed, image after break”
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As the first of three movies based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” inches closer, more and more marketing material will make its way to the interwebs. For example, the just discovered image of Radagast the Brown. Set for December 14, only months remain until “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” (we think that is the title at least) finally comes to long-waiting fans. A calendar featuring the characters from the film has shipped to the public and on it is the previously glimpsed Radagast the Brown (played by Sylvester McCoy) from a fuzzy image taken from Peter Jackson’s December production diary. (The good Doctor will be in person at DragonCon in just over a week to talk Dr. Who and Middle-earth with fans. In fact, here is the complete schedule for the Tolkien Track.)
The image is a little bit of a spoiler but it seems a likely candidate to appear in the next trailer, due around September. has a calendar in hand and posted the image first after placing an order. This will be in the hands of other consumers shortly or is already. Radagast is visible after just after the break so once you click, you are spoiled. There will be no missing him. Continue reading “Radagast the Brown revealed in ‘Hobbit’ calendar *spoiler*”
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We all listened to and read Peter Jackson’s words from Comic-Con about three possible “Hobbit,” movies carefully. But we didn’t listen to all the words and we missed a few things.
He told us. He told us — he did.
He said exactly what he meant, he said it plainly and the media and fans (and me) tried to figure out what he meant when he told us in plainness. Monday, Jackson dropped an atomic bomb of news and fandom reacted accordingly.
“The Hobbit,” adapted for the screen from the 300-page, 75-year-old book by J.R.R. Tolkien changed from from two movies to three in the blink of a Facebook post.
More on the words we ignored in a minute. We need to figure out when these films break, what it means for fans and websites and studios and cinema and the director, but lets not rush past the size and scope of this news. Lets not walk around Paris admiring all the cafes and churches without also pausing and noticing the big tower in the center of town.
We witnessed, the last few weeks since Comic-Con, something monumental, unprecedented, unparalleled and a little bit crazy. Jackson (and when we say “Jackson” we always mean the director and Walsh, Boyens and a team of others supporting their vision) is in unchartered territory here. Continue reading “The bold ‘Hobbit’ trilogy decision and what to expect”
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