SPOILER WARNING! Our French partner site Tolkiendrim.com has scored some amazing high resolution imagery of Bolg – the imposing and horrific monstrosity from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey! The high resolution imagery show great details including dried blood (as Tolkiendrim.com suggests, possibly signs of cannibalism??) and some artifacts from his dwarven foes. View this full article to see the three images. [Tolkiendrim.com]

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Thanks to Ataahua for sending in a link to this story from The Guardian: This time last year, New Zealand was under the spell of the Rugby World Cup, with host nation enthusiasm going a long way to realising the organisers’ vision of a “stadium of four million”. In 2012, the big event features hairy feet of a different sort, with the New Zealand-made film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey opening with a world premiere in Wellington, the home town of director Sir Peter Jackson, in six weeks. Read more…

LEGO® Fans worldwide are being treated to a series of early images of the upcoming ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey‘ LEGO® Playsets. (We are deliberately not including imagery on this post because we are pretty sure they will be asked to remove in hours!) There are a variety of sources for images, but the best come from LEGO Toy Story News’s Flickr Stream. Be warned, one set in particular reveals a previously unannounced ‘change’ to the story. We will describe the sets and a brief attempt to decipher each, but we’d love to hear your own conclusions and theories in our comments. There is also a video available of a very excited LEGO fan quickly going over all of the sets. A small heads up for the video – if you are looking for a clear description and accounting of each set – this isn’t for you. He does seem very excited about mushrooms though! [Flickr Stream] [Video]- MAJOR SPOILERS! (Thanks to Mr. Spielbrick for the heads up!)

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Our friends over at Total Film.com have pieced together a fascinating, side-by-side comparison of ten scenes from trailers from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and ten scenes from the two Hobbit trailers that we’ve seen thus far. The similarities they found, in both big and small ways, provides a very fun read. Someone (or several someone’s) there really have a great eagle eye (pun intended). Follow the “Read more” link and enjoy! Read more…

From Northhumberland Gazette: Reader Phil Murray spotted something that looked very familiar when he pulled out the A3  The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey poster that came with the Total Film magazine, the fields of the shire in the background of the poster reminded him of Edlingham Castle with the old Alnwick to Wooler railway viaduct and the Simonside Hills which can be seen in the atmospheric artwork as the ruined keep.

“The level of detail in such a large version of the picture piqued my curiosity and I dived onto my computer to hunt for a picture I’d taken of the castle a couple of summers ago to see if my hunch was correct. I was stunned when it matched up perfectly – even the field boundaries immediately around the castle were the same in the poster as in real life” 

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