Michael Cieply at the New York Times has written a nice piece about how resistance against 3D is forming in Hollywood. He used many sources from Comic-Con and says that filmmakers may carry more clout with studios than people who cough up money to see films. He also quotes a TORn article and our own webmaster in the story that talks about an issue important to film fans world wide.
Category: Director Rumors
It almost seems that the San Diego Comic-Con becomes the center of the
entertainment Universe for a few days. Maybe it does. We were there presenting a panel, meeting fellow fans, conducting trivia, grooming sources, hanging out and watching the celebration of popular arts. Despite pen stabbings, incredible (or impossible) lines and vexing shuttle buses, it remains an incredible experience.
TORn was among the very first panels to kick the week off and it helped produce a torrent of film industry folks and fans who wanted to touch base on ‘The Hobbit’ films.
So here is a rundown from the TORn perspective of what went on. Continue reading “Comic-Con wrap up and notebook”
As we all know from his elequent recent departure from The Hobbitproduction, Guillermo del Toro still has very strong feelings regarding the future of these films.
“As a fan, I hope those movies get made,” del Toro mentioned to an audience at ComicCon during a Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark presentation. He added “And I hope to God Peter Jackson directs them. They’re beautiful and they’re needed in the world.”
The situation at MGM is believed to be the main obstacle for getting The Hobbit off the ground. But the production could ramp up reasonably quickly with del Toro noting that 98 percent of the first movie is already designed along with approximately half of the second one.
You can read the entire article at Entertainment Weekly.
Update: thanks to message board member Theodred for finding a short clip of an interview with Guillermo at Comic Con where he discusses this topic. View the video at mtv.com.
Update: There is another exclusive interview with Guillermo del Toro discussing the same topic, including additional comments on The Hobbit. Read the entire article at Deadline | Hollywood.
From www.smh.com.au When The Diary’s Hobbiton correspondent, Steve Meacham, spoke to Sir Ian McKellen, he made sure to ask him about – what else? – the possibility of his reprising Gandalf in a film adaptation of The Hobbit. ”I’m waiting to hear when the Hobbit is going to be made,” McKellen said. ”We don’t know who is going to direct it. Peter Jackson is currently the producer and he’s currently casting it. I’ve just been to Wellington where I met a lot of people who have been working on it for a year now. The sets are being built. The costumes are being designed. The creatures are being designed. It is all ready to go. Continue reading “More Gandalf Magic”
We have been spreading unofficial rumors that TheOneRing.net would be presenting a panel at Comic-Con but the official website confirmed it today: At 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 22, in room 7AB founder Calisuri, the incomparable Quickbeam and fan advocate MrCere will present the latest unofficial new about ‘The Hobbit’ movies and everything else there is time for. Guests possible but not promised. If you haven’t heard, returned tickets are now available to the general public from the previously sold out Comic-Con. TORn will also be sharing space with Weta at the Dark Horse booth (#2615) and selling really cool shirts! We hope to see you there.
Not officially announced yet by Comic-Con but TheOneRing.net will be kicking off the annual popular culture mega-event known as Comic-Con in San Diego Thursday morning. And the good news is, turned in tickets are NOW AVAILABLE until they sell out again any minute! Click right here immediately and plan to have fun with us Thursday, July 22, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. room 7AB.
Previous years’ panels have had standing-room-only crowds (once infamously featuring the arrest of an unruly patron who couldn’t get in). Occasionally guests drop in (the incomparable Richard Taylor last year) to say hello to fans. We promise to deliver the latest Hobbit movie info and perhaps peek behind the curtain of the potential of the Ultimate LOTR Box Set. (Unauthorized of course!) Join founder Calisuri and staffers Quickbeam and MrCere as they deliver from the stage while staffers Deej and Garfeimao will be in attendance and lending a hand.
Also, catch a variety of TORn-folk all show long at the Weta booth (part of the giant Dark Horse Comics booth) where you can help support TORn with a purchase of our convention exclusive t-shirts!