From the Dominion Post: With more scenes
being shoot for The Hobbit’s final two films, Three Foot 7 has advertised on Trademe’s Job Search calling for more extra’s. The application form is available for you to download, print and fill out, again they are looking for people with character faces and if you have already applied you don’t need to reapply as they will have you on file.
Applicants need to be available between this month and August and live in Wellington.
Got what it takes? click here for the Trademe advertisement. [Extras Ad]
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Share:, aka Conan O’Brien, one of America’s most popular late-night talk show hosts, got their hands on Willie Nelson’s audition tape for, what they call, ‘The Hobbit 2.’ In the video, Willie suggests to Peter Jackson that he may make a better Gandalf than Ian McKellen. (Strong language and content warning!) [Direct Video Link]
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We are very privileged today to share with you an exclusive spread from HarperCollins’ April 9th release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Chronicles II: Creatures & Characters. Compiled by one of our favorite people at Weta, Daniel Falconer, this follow-up to the first Chronicles book highlights all of our favorites from the film. Check out the Bilbo Baggins spread below (click for a larger version) and pick you your copy on the 9th! [On Sale at]
In addition, HarperCollins and Warner Bros. are teaming up to give away 10 Blu-ray™ Combo Packs of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey as well as these first two books in the Hobbit series. The giveaway runs now through 4/9. [Giveaway]

[Order Today] Continue reading “Exclusive Look at ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Chronicles II: Creatures and Characters’”
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Welcome to our collection of TORn’s hottest topics for the past week. If you’ve fallen behind on what’s happening on the Message Boards, here’s a great way to catch the highlights. Or if you’re new to TORn and want to enjoy some great conversations, just follow the links to some of our most popular discussions. Watch this space as every weekend we will spotlight the most popular buzz on TORn’s Message Boards. Everyone is welcome, so come on in and join in the fun!
Continue reading “TORn Message Boards Weekly Roundup – February 25, 2013”
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Despite his everyday physical appearance mimicking that of a wizard in Middle-earth, it looks like Billy Connolly, playing Dain in ‘The Hobbit‘ films, is not a fan of Tolkien or Tolkien fans. In a statement to MSN UK Connolly admits:
“No I never read it. And I probably never will. It’s not my cup of tea. Youthful society when I was younger was divided into Tolkien and non-Tolkien and I was a non-Tolkien and I didn’t like the Tolkien people,” he said.
“They were all corduroy and limp wrists and we were all string band people, banjos and bluegrass players and blues players, chasing women about the place, having long hair and they were all talking about the ginks fighting the gonks.”
As a renown comedian, we are pretty sure Billy is having a spot of fun. After you check out the full article at MSN UK, we can get back to talking about ginks and fighting with gonks : / [Read more]
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For the majority of the world, the release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was just a simple visit to your local cinema. But for Ringers like us, one does not simply walk into…theaters. What did you do to celebrate the release of the latest adventure into Middle-earth? Did you participate in a TORn Line Party? Maybe you took the whole family out for a long overdue special night? Maybe you got together with your closest friends and dressed up like Hobbits, Wizards and Dwarves! Whatever you did, we want to hear about it. We have a form below where you can submit your Ringer Report and send us a few images. We can’t guarantee we will post all of the reports, but we will post a lot of them! This is your chance to shine in the spotlight of Tolkien fandom! We look forward to your reports…[Link to Form]
Continue reading “Send in your ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’ Ringer Reports and Photos”
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