Bernie writes: Yesterday I attended the Sydney Armageddon Expo for 2011, in which John Rhys-Davies attended. At 11.30, he conducted a panel where he mentioned ‘The Hobbit’.
He said that he would love to return because he had such a brilliant time with ‘The Lord of the Rings’, but would be unable to, due to the toll that his prosthetic. Nothing new. To quote him, “I was asked to return as one of the 13 dwarves, and I thought, why would I want to be one of 13 when I could be one of one?” Continue reading “John Rhys-Davies Talks The Hobbit”
We’ve heard a lot from a few Hobbit actors about the ‘training’ they are undergoing for ‘The Hobbit’ films. Thanks to this story in the Calgary Herald (sent in by Ringer Hobbitonmayor), we may have a clearer picture on just who might be training them: Veteran stuntman, film producer and martial arts expert Steve McMichael. Follow the link to read the full story. [Read on]
In her first public statements about her rumored role in ‘The Hobbit,’ actress Saoirse Ronan told
“No, nothing has actually been confirmed yet. I’d love to get a role in The Hobbit . I think everybody in the world would like a role in The Hobbit .”
It has been reported that Ms. Ronan is up for the rumored role of Itaril, a character created specifically for the two Hobbit films. Itaril is described as a Silvan Elf chosen to become part of the Woodland King’s Guard. Thanks to Ringer Merielle for the heads up, and click the link for the complete details. [Read More]
Thanks to Ringer Pasi for sending us this link to a LA Times blog video feature from last night’s Grammys. In the clip, Dominic Monaghan (Merry), talks about the past year and future products. At around the :44 second mark, he is asked about ‘The Hobbit’ films:
The British actor will be noticeably absent in Peter Jackson’s return to Middle-earth when the director takes on “The Hobbit,” but he’s dealing with it in stride: “I’m bummed in a nice way.” He added that he didn’t rule out working with the director in the future.
Check out the full article and video through the following links. [Video] [Story]
The headlines related to ‘The Hobbit’ films have been unpredictable as the weather! We thought it might be a fun exercise to discuss what ‘The Hobbit’ headlines will be in September 2011. Will it be…’Lazy Lob! Attercop! Spiders revealed!’ or maybe ‘No delays for The Hobbit! Production on Schedule’. How about ‘’s Server Under Water!’ What do you think? Share your thoughts in our forum, comments or on Facebook!
Ataahua writes: TORn discussion board member Mortimus sends in this truly beautiful graphic (by artist Alistair Hughes) of the history of the making of The Hobbit films. Alistair has kindly provided a PDF of the graphic itself – a copy of which was published in The Dominion-Post newspaper this week.