Join us tonight for DragonCon’s ‘Evening in Bree’ celebration, taking place right now (8:30pm ET). Watch the LIVE coverage in our Live section and join in the conversation and celebration via Barliman’s Chat or Twitter (#tornlive). Tonight’s emcee is none other than our own Quickbeam and the music will be provided by’s good friends Emerald Rose! [ LIVE] [] [Emerald Rose]

Our fellowship of travelers have made it Atlanta, GA and as you can see by the black screen on the feed, they are sleeping soundly, catching a few winks before the madness of DragonCon begins! We have a few exciting events taking place on our LIVE stream today. First, you can tune in LIVE as we present the latest news and information about The Hobbit Movies at our panel presentation. Like the one from Comic-Con, we will LIVE stream the entire panel, including any questions and audience participation. The panel begins at 1pm ET/10am PT and you can view it all in our LIVE section. [Here] The second scheduled event on our LIVE feed is the ever popular Evening at Bree! That will start at 8:30pm ET/5:30pm PT and feature our good friends Emerald Rose performing with lots of fun and frivolity! And of course, today is the anniversary of JRR Tolkien’s passing, so we’ll take some time to honor the Professor. We will most likely be streaming other events during the day, so we encourage you to stay tuned and participate in the LIVE stream area. [ LIVE] []

From the Hero Complex LA Times blog:

How good is Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins? Oscar-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson says there is “simply nobody else” who could star in ”The Hobbit” epic that will be told over two films, the first reaching theaters in December 2012 and the second in December 2013.

“He is fantastic and there is simply nobody else for the job,” Jackson said during a recent break from the production in New Zealand and a whirlwind trip to Southern California. “We couldn’t find anyone who was better than him. He is simply fantastic.”

[Read More]

Evangeline Lilly, taking on the role of an invented female Elf character in The Hobbit, has been spotted in Wellington, New Zealand as the second and much longer stint of filming is soon to begin.
Lilly, who has been occupied for six years with the television hit Lost, will play a character written into the scrip for the two films written by Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh,Phillipa Boyens and Guillermo del Toro.
Thanks to Ataahua for the heads up from the The Daily Mail.

intheshire writes: Interestingly the ad place by 3foot7 on 12 august on NZ website originally called for elf extras:

“We are currently looking for slim men 17-30 years and between 165cm – 178 cm or 5’5” -5’8” AND slim women 17-30 years between 165cm – 173cm or 5’5” to 5’8” to play ELF extras,”

It’s now been changed and is asking for:

“We are currently looking for MEN based in the Wellington region aged 30 plus, medium – large build, 5’8″ – 6 foot (175cm – 183cm) Character faces, beards, missing teeth – all good”