As many of you know, we had an exclusive giveaway running over the weekend for Sideshow Collectibles (now sold out!) Gollum Premium Format Figure . We are proud to announce that the winner of this giveaway is:
Mike M from Tomball, TX
Mike will be contacted in the next few days to claim his prize. Thanks to all those who participated and if you didn’t place your order for Gollum yet, you can still get on the wait list. [Gollum Figure] (BTW – If you enjoyed this giveaway, please let us know by leaving a comment below)
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For all those who’ve been concerned about the fact that there hasn’t been any casting news about returning cast members yet, here’s something that should ease the mind a bit.
Sky News caught up with Andy Serkis and chatted him up about all things “Hobbit“, and here’s what the man has to say about filming in New Zealand and reprising his role as Gollum.
“I’m sure The Hobbit will be in New Zealand at the end of the day. These are stories that have to be told, films that have to be watched. People are dying for them to come out. It has had a strange ride. I think the worse of it is over and it’s all going to come together soon.”
“I haven’t signed up. Of course I will be there. I will be there to support Peter Jackson in his endeavour again to pull off what will be an amazing magical feat of cinema, wherever that will be.”
There’s more to read and watch over at Sky News.
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A recommendation to ban the construction of dams on a Central Otago river to protect a rare fish called Gollum, named from The Hobbit book, has been hailed as a major victory by environmental groups.
A tribunal – appointed by the Ministry for the Environment – decided to protect the “bug eyed” fish came after receiving submissions from anglers, environmental groups, gold-miners, skiers and kayakers favouring further protection of the Nevis river.
[Full Story at]
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File this under the unusual news of the day (via…
New babies are showing up regularly at the Philadelphia Zoo this year. The latest is the aye-aye, born July 14, joining other recent giraffe and orangutan births.
The aye-aye boy, born to mom Medusa and dad Tolkien, was named Smeagol after his resemblance to the Lord of the Rings character, according to a release by the zoo.
Smeagol already has started to leave the nest box to explore his exhibit at the Zoo’s Peco Primate Reserve.
Check out all the pics at
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Justin writes: I’m a long time reader of, and I’ve found something that will be of interest to the community. Recently, The Lord of the Rings’ very own Andy Serkis was cast in a radio drama presentation of C.S. Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters,” a story that Lewis dedicated to none other than Tolkien himself. I bought the collection for my fiancée (also a self-professed Tolkien geek!). We listened to it in the car, and it was excellent. A lot of the dialogue is lifted directly from Lewis’ superb text, and brought to life by Serkis’ amazing performance as the title character. It includes a behind-the-scenes bonus DVD that also has a section talking about the Inklings.
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Cinema Blend is relaying news tweeted by Fox communications executive Chris Petrikin that Andy Serkis will be joining the production of Rise Of The Apes, the prequel to Fox’s Planet Of The Apes. Serkis will be playing Caesar , the “chimp who leads the simian revolt.”
Weta will be responsible for the visual effects. Let’s hope Andy’s schedule will be flexible enough to include Gollum whenever The Hobbit production is allow to continue. Read the entire story here.
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