Well, the long wait is over. Peter brought 12 and a half minutes of Hobbit goodness to Comic-Con’s Hall H today, and blew everyone’s minds.

To say the event zoomed past at an overwhelming pace would be an understatement too big to describe. We’re digesting everything we’ve seen and will continue to update as we work through the impressions and information that roared past. Read on for a quick summary and a massive pile of spoilers! Continue reading “Quick round-up: The Hobbit presentation in Hall H!”

Earlier today, Entertainment Weekly chatted with Peter Jackson, Philippa Boyens, Richard Armitage, Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen and Andy Serkis in their VIP suite. It’s a really cool interview and there’s some great stuff in there, particularly from Boyens and Freeman. Maybe a few spoilers! Go check it out while you’re waiting for our Hobbitcon panel wrap-up! (We’re working on it right now!)

Elijah Wood and Andy Serkis visit the WETA booth to say hello to Richard Taylor, Daniel Falconer and the crew.

The WETA team took the opportunity to show-off the full-size trolls they have on display. It’s the first time Frodo has seen the actual trolls. Andy Serkis was spotted with a Pocketses button from TheOneRing.net.

A couple more photos below the cut! Continue reading “Wood and Serkis troll the WETA booth”

In December last year, I declared the first trailer a study in character.

Introducing and differentiating thirteen different dwarves to a wider audience most likely unfamiliar with the Hobbit and its ultra-beardy cast was critical for Peter Jackson. So Jackson used an entire trailer for the task.

But, because that trailer was so light on plot, we’ve been wondering ever since what degree of fidelity the story will possess and exactly how it might unfold.

The EW storybook addresses this at a single stroke. EW isn’t calling it a storybook, but that’s what Jackson has created. A gorgeously illustrated storybook that guides us through the key points of The Hobbit.

Read on for a spoiler-filled scene-by-scene review of The Hobbit — storytime with Peter Jackson! Continue reading “Storytime with Peter Jackson reassures and puzzles!”

Just when it seems the many Hobbit-related events at Comic-Con couldn’t get any better, Warner Brothers has added a Hobbit cast signing event! The signing will occur at the WB booth on Saturday from 11:15am to 12:00pm, with Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, and Andy Serkis listed as participating. You’ll then want to run (not walk) to the line to get into Hall H by 2:30 for the WB panel, to include a presentation on The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey with Peter Jackson and numerous cast on hand.