Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report will present four nights of Hobbit-themed programming (Dec. 3 to Dec. 6), pegged to the Dec. 14 release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, EW has learned. Guests will include stars Ian McKellan (Dec. 3), Martin Freeman (Dec. 4) and Andy Serkis (Dec. 6), along with director Peter Jackson (Dec. 5). Said Colbert in a statement: “Elen sila lumennomentielvo*… I mean that sincerely.” For those of you who aren’t quite fluent in Elvish, that means, “a star shines on the hour of our meeting.” Read more…

Ringer Mr BBi managed to record cast interviews from yesterday off the satellite for channels 7 & 9 in Australia. Cast members interviewed include Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett, Elijah Wood, Sir Peter Jackson and Philippa Boyens. Most of the interviews are a respectable 4-5 minutes each. Check them out!

Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage and Andy Serkis

Martin Freeman, Andy Serkis & Richard Armitage #2

Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett & Elijah Wood.

Hugo Weaving, Cate Blanchett & Elijah Wood #2

Sir Peter Jackson & Philippa Boyens

Sir Peter Jackson & Phillpa Boyens #2





Australians Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving and Barry Humphries will all attend the world premiere of the first Hobbit movie in New Zealand next week.

Warner Bros. has announced the stars who will attend the first screening of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, in Wellington.

Filmmakers Sir Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens will also be joined by Martin Freeman, who plays the central role of Bilbo Baggins; Richard Armitage, who stars as the dwarf warrior Thorin Oakenshield; Andy Serkis who plays Gollum and Elijah Wood who plays Frodo Baggins.

There may be a nearly 10-metre statue of Gandalf the Grey above Wellington’s Embassy Theatre, but the actor who plays the character, Sir Ian McKellen, won’t be there to see it for himself.

McKellen said he was sorry he could not attend. “I know they (the cast) will have a wonderful welcome from the fans and I envy them. As ever, my heart is in Wellington, and I send my love.”


Warner Brothers has kicked off their Awards Season website for many of their films, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey among them. The page links to the Official Website and trailer, gives a brief synopsis of the story, and then lists all the names of the people who worked in eligible categories, from the Writers to the Sound Effects people, and a few of the actors. And just as a tease, there is a list of screenings, but those screenings are for Academy voters and members of the various Guilds (Screen Actors, Writers, Directors, etc) only. A full list of eligible names and categories below. Hopefully this means we will have a lot to celebrate at our own Oscar Party! [Website]


Continue reading “For Your Consideration. . . The Hobbit”

Some fans have expressed concern that Peter Jackson melding The Hobbit with Tolkien’s later, weightier work will rob the former of its light spirit. Might it lose its intimate tone?

In the latest issue of SFX (#229, in the shops Wednesday 14 November), Andy Serkis and Philippa Boyens reveal their thoughts on the tone and style that the movie versions will assume. Continue reading “Boyens and Serkis discuss The Hobbit’s tone with SFX”

If you missed them, here are 17 (count them!) fabulous character posters that provide yet another look at the principal characters. In addition to Bilbo, Gandalf and all the dwarves of the party, the posters include Galadriel and Gollum. Maybe that’s a hint of Galadriel’s importance in An Unexpected Journey. Or maybe it’s just indicative of Cate Blanchett’s star power. Continue reading “Seventeen Hobbit character posters you’ll absolutely love”