This month, Peter Jackson returns to Middle-Earth with Gandalf and a whole new band of dwarves, elves and archers, telling the story of young Bilbo Baggins and his encounters with Smaug the dragon and Gollum.
An Unexpected Journey, the first installment of an epic new trilogy, will allow fans to return to Middle-earth for the first time since 2004. However, Moviefone is giving the Ringers a chance to enjoy some bonus Hobbit treats (a cinematic second breakfast, if you will). Continue reading “Unscripted: ask Peter Jackson, Andy Serkis and Martin Freeman anything”
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This month, audiences will return to Middle-earth with THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY – the first chapter of an all-new film trilogy adapting author J.R.R. Tolkien’s literary prequel to his own “The Lord Of The Rings” saga.
Andy Serkis may not be the first face one would recognize from the award-winning film series and its new prequel trilogy, but his role is nonetheless one of the franchise’s most distinctive – and one of the epic story’s most integral. The actor plays Gollum (née Smeagol), the one-time custodian of the One Ring and a deceitful influence on the events of the fantasy-cloaked land of Middle-earth. Cunning and covetous of the precious possession, he is a tragic figure corrupted by the magic of the Ring and driven mad by its power – a reluctant villain and a duplicitous guide for the story’s heroes. His is the cautionary tale, which threatens each of the Ring’s subsequent bearers, and yet it is he who leads the way to the Ring’s destruction – and the ultimate salvation of Middle-earth.
Making his first extended appearance in THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS (2002), the character ignited the cultural zeitgeist – not just for his haunting role in the beloved narrative, but because his on-screen incarnation represented such a prominent paradigm shift for the digital realization of photo-realistic phantasmagoria. Here was a character completely computer-generated (CG), and yet exhibiting the full range of emotion equal to its live-action counterparts.
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Courtesy of RichardArmitageNet, here’s some vision from the Japanese premiere of The Hobbit — attended by Peter Jackson, Martin Freeman (Bilbo), Andy Serkis (Gollum), Richard Armitage (Thorin), Elijah Wood (Frodo) and Hugo Weaving (Elrond). Some nice interviews to pick over, too.
The premiere was held at the TOHO Cinemas Roppongi Hills and preceded by a red carpet event similar to the one held as part of the world premiere this week in Wellington. Continue reading “Video: footage from Japanese Hobbit premiere”
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UPDATED: We at where lucky enough to snare a really good spot right next to the three trolls created by Weta Workshop, on the Red Carpet at the Wellington Premier of the Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey on the 28th of November. In these videos are some of the actors we met, plus a few that flew past (Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving, Any Serkis) like the wind! I think I can safely say it was an amazing experience for all off us.
At party two nights earlier we were able to meet a few of these actors. So they recognised us as they went past — and as luck we where at the right place at the right time.
Watch our exclusive video from the red carpet below:
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Hobbit cast and crew have been arriving in Tokyo for the Japan premiere of “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.” According to Warner Bros., the premiere in Japan will be attended by Peter Jackson, Martin Freeman (Bilbo), Andy Serkis (Gollum), Richard Armitage (Thorin), Elijah Wood (Frodo) and Hugo Weaving (Elrond). The premiere is being held at the TOHO Cinemas Roppongi Hills and will be preceded by a red carpet event similar to the one held as part of the world premiere this week in Wellington, NZ. Live streaming will be available here.
Update: see video of the pre-movie speeches here!
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IMAX theaters around the USA will be giving out limited edition hand-drawn prints at the 12:01 showings while supplies last. The four gorgeous monochrome prints, reminiscent of the beautiful Alan Lee sketches that graced the credits of “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King,” depict Gandalf, Bilbo, Thorin and Gollum. You can find a list of theaters participating in the giveaway here. To find a midnight showing Line Party where you can watch the movie with fellow fans, check out TheOneRing’s Line Party site here (also accessible in the drop down “Community” link on the Home Page). Also, check out the other three prints after the break. Line up early, line up often!
Continue reading “IMAX to give away exclusive Hobbit prints at midnight showings”
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