Category: Luke Evans
Warner Brothers UK has posted a short new featurette on YouTube showcasing Laketown and Bard. Curiously, while the video appears to be meant as an advertisement for the new Blu-ray/DVD release of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, the video itself is not present in any of the bonus features on the set.
The same is the case for the previously posted video “Beorn the Shapeshifter“. The Blu-ray/DVD releases do, however, feature an all new 40 minute documentary titled “Peter Jackson Invites You to the Set”. Continue reading “‘Lake-town – Entering the World of Men’ Featurette”
With just a week to go until the Home Video release (in the US at least – check our post here for full details of when the Home Video comes out in different countries) of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, has recently had the chance to catch up with some of the film’s lead actors. Last week staffer greendragon spoke to Luke Evans about his role as Bard the Bowman, about using his native accent on-screen, and about stepping in to big shoes (or perhaps a big coffin?) to take on the role of Dracula. Here’s what he had to say:
Continue reading “EXCLUSIVE – Luke Evans talks to”
Originally, Peter Jackson intended his adaptation of The Hobbit to be a two-film effort — a duology.
We’ll never know for certain how it would have turned out, but in this feature TORn writer Captain Salt brings together the known facts to give us some idea of just how it might have shaped up.
Continue reading “How would have Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit looked as a duology?”
Last August, TORn Staffer Justin posted a list of cast members who tweet. In the spirit of festive greetings, we thought we’d reshare – and update – that list.