On December 20th 2011 at approximately 10pm ET/7pm PT, Warner Brothers released the first official trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. What followed was a world of fans exploding in joy. We here at TheOneRing.net were equally giddy and now, after some time digesting, we offer our complete and detailed frame-by-frame look at the trailer.

Find the trailer online at Apple.com and TheHobbit.com.

The following screen caps and commentary are not confirmed and only speculation by the staff at TheOneRing.net.

And a special note: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! And Click the images to see larger versions

Continue reading “First Hobbit trailer: TORn’s frame-by-frame analysis”

Thanks to Ringer Gaer Carreg for doing some digging and sending in this Oct 6th exchange between the official twitter accounts of actor John Bell and Luke Evans.:

@johnbell123 John Bell 
@Mr_Luke_Evans thanks Da! Happy now! See you soon. X
6 Oct 

Luke Evans
@johnbell123 no problem son! See you soon back in NZ
6 Oct

Of course nothing is official until Peter Jackson updates us on his Facebook, but I think its safe to call this one: John Bell will play Bain, Son of Bard. [View Exchange] [Full Cast Listing] [Official John Bell Twitter] [Official Luke Evans Twitter] The New York Times is also listing John as Bain in their official cast listing here.

Luke Evans, who’s been cast in THE HOBBIT in the key role of Bard the Bowman and currently stars as Zeus in the mythical actioner IMMORTALS, recently spoke with Fresno Bee on being part of possibly the biggest film of his career.

“It’s keeping life real, that’s what’s important, and not losing yourself in the fact that you’re in ‘The Hobbit’.

I had a little bit of a heart flutter the first day I got there [New Zealand] because they have this thing where they show the new actors around all the sets and I saw Bilbo’s house, and I was like, “I actually walked into Bilbo’s house!” It was the most amazing thing.”

Read the full story over at Fresno Bee.

Thanks to message board member gaer_carreg for the heads-up.