A flood of trailers, interviews and TV spots have raised all sorts of questions over exactly how events will pan out across The Desolation of Smaug. Here, Captain Salt takes a long hard look at the implications for character development among our beardy friends who are so keen to reclaim their heritage, and the lost treasures of Erebor.
Needless to say, lots of speculation and lots of potential movie spoilers. If you’re avoiding these, look away now! Continue reading “There, and then what? The Dwarves’ development in The Desolation of Smaug”
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A short clip from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug featuring Thranduil, Tauriel and Legolas screen this evening at the The MTV European Music Awards, introduced by Martin Freeman.
Our army of spies and crebain have alerted us to its existence, and a recording of it is already floating about around on the internet. The clip is, in fact, a significant part of one of the scenes screened at the worldwide Fan Event last week. Continue reading “See The Desolation of Smaug clip shown at the MTV European Music Awards!”
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To wrap up the week that saw an unprecedented live fan event where fans gathered in theaters around the world with cast and crew, here is a list of things that stood out for TORn staff.
During the event, fans were treated to costume displays, live Q&As, a preview of the end credit music video, and most importantly, 20 minutes of nearly complete, previously unseen footage. As stated in previous posts, this means movie spoilers are coming, so feel free to stop reading now if you wish to spend the next four weeks without knowing what’s to come. Continue reading “Thirteen things we love about The Desolation of Smaug footage”
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In case the new one-sheet posters, new trailer, live fan event, streaming fan event, interviews, magazine covers and actors around the globe wasn’t enough, Peter Jackson has posted Production Diary #12. You can see it right here. It looks to have some up-front action and then focuses on post-production. The behind-the-scenes team, as always has produced an excellent look behind the curtain, this one checking in at eight minutes long. All the usual subjects are there, like Andy Serkis, Lee Pace, Richard Armitage, Orlando Bloom, Evangeline Lilly, Jed Brophy and on and on. Enjoy!
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The LIVE world-wide Fan Event for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is happening today!
Eleven different cities will hook-up by satellite for the Live Event to celebrate the forthcoming release of The Desolation of Smaug. And fans can all watch the LIVE stream right here as it happens. Continue reading “Watch The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Live Event right here today!”
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If you’re keen to attend one of the LIVE FAN EVENTS being held next week on November 4 in various (or November 5 in Sydney and Wellington), then best hurry as many of the competitions to win tickets close today.
Below are links to all the contests we know about right now (and if you know of one that’s not listed, please e-mail us at spymaster@theonering.net). Note: tickets to these events cannot be purchased.
Continue reading “Today is your last chance to enter many Desolation of Smaug LIVE event contests!”
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