Rubbermonkey, an online audiovisual superstore and film production company based in Wellington, is currently auctioning a film clapperboard signed by the Hobbit crew to raise money for four local charities — the SPCA, SAFE, NICU, and Ronald McDonald House.
The IKAN clapperboard wasn’t used on the Hobbit, but has been signed by members of the Hobbit cast, including Martin Freeman and Ian McKellan.
The auction is running now on Trade Me, and closes on Monday September 10 at 3:51pm. (Some of you might also be interested in the twin charity auction of a filmclapper signed by the All Blacks.)
[Charity Auction] | [Rubbermonkey Blog]
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Annual 2013, one of several film tie-in books scheduled for this year, released today, and our message board member Bexlin was awesome enough to share some hi-res scans of its full colour pages.
Besides character pictures of the 13 dwarves, Gandalf, Elrond, and Galadriel, we also get our first look at Saruman the White, and a brilliant reveal of Lee Pace’s character Thranduil the Elvenking.
Here in the image upon the right sits Saruman with the rest of the White Council, seemingly in the much-talked-about scene of the discussion surrounding a certain Wraith’s blade.
And as for Thranduil, the Elf gets his revel after the break.
A fair warning to those who do not want to be spoiled… believe us, you do NOT want to click the “Continue Reading” button.
Continue reading “Thranduil, Saruman the White, Revealed In ‘Hobbit’ Film Tie-In Book”
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Peter Jackson and company swooped into Comic-Con and unleashed some footage for the ravenous fans there but now he has unleashed Vlog #8 from his Facebook page full of spoilers, Comic-Con footage, John Howe, lots of actors saying hi and a little nostalgia from the crew. If you can stand a view of stone giants, Beorn’s house, Andy Serkis jamming on a sax and an absurd amount of “Hobbit” stuff, it is a must watch. The film hasn’t been released yet and already producer Michael Pellerin and his crew of behind-the-scenes people are making us nostalgic for it! And, sure sounded like Jackson reads TheOneRing. Find it on his Facebook page or watch it below:
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Over at, the folks of Gwaith-i-Phethdain, (which means The Fellowship of the Word-smiths) have been doing some linguistic research based on the latest close-up pictures of Dwalin’s axes and Thorin Oakenshield’s Orcrist.
They report the runic (Angerthas Moria) inscriptions on Dwalin’s axes are Neo-Khuzdûl words that probably mean Grasper and Keeper. Apparently it’s a pun reference to the Bronte sisters’ pet dogs? The runes on Orcrist (scribed using Angerthas Daeron) translate as Tooth of Snake Orcrist.
Highlight the above to reveal some minor linguistic spoilers, then read on for some much bigger spy news! Continue reading “Spy news: Dwalin’s runes, Orcrist, Thranduil and wargs!”
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Our message board members were quick to pick up on this very cool scrolling montage of pictures from the upcoming Hobbit movie over at Entertainment What’s cool is there are new scenes we’ve never seen before. What’s even cooler is you can scroll over the pictures to get a closer look. Check it out and let us know what details *you* pick out on the very active thread in progress on our Hobbit discussion board! Read More…
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Warner Bros. has not confirmed ‘The Hobbit’ panel at Comic-Con, but perhaps the vagaries of Twitter have. Several independent tweeters who attended Ian McKellen’s benefit show last night in Wellington have said Lee Pace stated Martin Freeman and Richard Armitage would be at Comic-Con in July. We cannot confirm the reports, but we believe them and expect both key “Hobbit” actors to be in San Diego. We also volunteer to act as popular-culture coaches as the place will be mad for them.
And while WB has officially said it hasn’t officially said a ‘The Hobbit’ panel will be part of the three-hour block the studio has reserved on Saturday in the 6,500 seat Hall H, but it is widely believed ‘The Hobbit,’ will play a big part of it. The hall, the biggest the convention center has to offer, has required waiting in long lines at least the last three years and now even camping out for a space is not unheard of. Over 125,000 people attend the show each year. (Video of the fundraiser after the break) Continue reading “More evidence for Freeman and Armitage at Comic-Con plus video of the ‘Hobbit’ cast on stage — together”
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