The latest issue of Vogue has an article and full spread pics of Cate Blanchett (Galadriel). While the article only mentions LOTR in one brief paragraph, it is an informative piece. You can get a good look into the Aussie who will play our Elven Queen.

LOTR byte: The films (Blanchett is) currently shooting in New Zealand are very big-budget, indeed-J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy which Peter Jackson is directing. “I’m really looking foreward to it,” she says, “because it’s not a territory I’ve ever stepped into before technically.” I search my memory for female roles and remember that it was a hombrekind of series. Gandalf? Frodo? Bilbo Bagins? Whom does she play? “Galadriel.” I don’t recall Galadriel. “Queen of the Elves,” she says. “Smart but significant.” Hmmm. Not nearly significant enough to break the $20 Million barrier, even if she has already been fitted for prosthetic elf’s ears. “What do you want so much oney for?” She says.

Click on each image to enlarge

You can catch Sean Bean (Boromir) in ‘Airborne’ on Cinemax. [More]

You can see Cate Blanchett (Galadriel) in ‘Pushing Tin’ on Cinemax. [More]

You can have a look at Elijah Wood (Frodo) in ‘The Faculty’ on TMN. [More]

The Miranda Otto (Eowyn) film ‘The Thin Red Line’ is on TMN. [More]

Thanks to Senninha for these two!

For all Aussie LotR fan’s, Sir Ian McKellan (Gandalf) can be seen on the ‘Parkinson’ Show on ABC at 9:30pm AEST on Saturday 24th June.

Viggo Mortenson (Aragorn) can also be seen on SCN (Tasmania) and Channel 7 elsewhere in the movie ‘GI Jane’ (also starring Demi Moore) on Sunday 25th June, 2000
at 8:30pm AEST.

Cate Blanchett was born on this date in 1969 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia