As staffer Ostadan reminds us, viewers in the U.S. will have a chance to catch the second season of “Sherlock” starting Sunday on PBS. The series stars Martin Freeman, soon to be fantastically famous as Bilbo Baggins and Benedict Cumberbatch as the titular character in the series. This page will get you started on when and where you can catch it in your area. The series, generally loved by critics and audiences, is smart and funny and dramatic and is an interesting preview of the actors who will become Smaug and Bilbo and have conversations in treasure rooms. Martin was committed to the series and Peter Jackson and Warner Bros. worked the shooting schedule of the two movies based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit,” to accommodate the actor’s availability. The first film, “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” is scheduled to hit theaters worldwide December 14, 2012.

Benedict Cumberbatch and Johnny Lee Miller just won the Olivier for Best Actor, which they share for their co-starring performance in Frankenstein where they swapped the roles of Dr. Frankenstein and the Creature. This is not the first time a Best Actor award has been bestowed upon their tandem performance, and only confirms the brilliance of this show. Luckily, for those of us who did not get to see the play, the National Theater will be broadcasting both performances at theaters all over the UK, USA and Canada for now, with other countries in the works. You can find out how to get a chance to see this broadcast at National Theater.

You can read all about the Olivier Awards and this win on their website at Olivier Awards. Benedict was unable to appear, he’s got a very busy schedule, but word has it that Johnny Lee Miller had a lovely acceptance speech. On behalf of, a really big congratulations to both actors.

Greetings all, Quickbeam here.

Rumors are flying as far as the Great Eagle’s sight that our newest wizard, Radagast the Brown, will have a more prominent role in the first installment of THE HOBBIT: ‘An Unexpected Journey.’ I am very excited by what Sylvester McCoy may bring to the role. The rumors are strongly suggesting Radagast’s rustic home on the eaves of Mirkwood Forest — Rhosgobel — will be more heavily featured than first suspected.

Color me intrigued! This kind of “newly added” material in Peter Jackson’s film adaptation is not canonical, strictly speaking, within the pages of “The Hobbit.” Yet it is canon from another Tolkien book! This stuff comes from the Appendices in the hinter-lands of “The Return of the King,” and therefore the most intriguing as to how it’ll play out in the new films. Among purists it might be cause for alarm.

Let’s investigate what we know from Tolkien — keeping in mind what the Professor seemed to be confused about himself may leave us with a minor mystery. Let’s also speculate on how P.J. is going to make Rhosgobel fit into the narrative of his first HOBBIT installment.

Continue reading “Out On A Limb with Quickbeam: “Where Exactly Art Thou, Radagast?””

Speaking with MTV about working with Peter Jackson on The Hobbit, actor Benedict Cumberbatch (who’s been cast in the role of both Smaug and The Necromancer) dished a bit about the work he’s done thus far on the films.

Excerpts follow:

I was in isolation with [Peter Jackson] and this incredible tag team. And at the very cool place with that technology doing mo-cap for two characters, Smaug the dragon and another character, which will remain nameless, and it was an awful lot of fun.

I spent a lot of time recording voice as well as doing movements. So, it was sort of freeing; it was fun. It was like playing a game. It’s going to be an amazing film; it’s going to be a real treat.

Catch the entire interview over at MTV. Many thanks to message board member f00 for the heads-up!

The initials BC must stand for ‘Busy Chap’.  Benedict Cumberbatch is set to become the darling of geeks everywhere (if he isn’t already); not content with being the star of Sherlock, with a lead part in the next Star Trek movie, and with not one but TWO roles in The Hobbit movies, rumours abound that Cumberbatch will be the next incarnation of The Doctor’s greatest nemesis, The Master.  According to this report, Britain’s Daily Express tabloid newspaper ran an article stating, ‘It’s fitting that the Doctor comes face to face with his ultimate enemy The Master for the 50th anniversary and it’s felt Benedict is the perfect choice if schedules can work.’

Exciting times for fans of Cumberbatch’s work!  Doctor Who, The Hobbit, Star Trek, Sherlock – where will he pop up next?  Hmmm – an actor from Star Trek taking a trip to Middle earth – remember the result the last time that happened?  What’s that – you don’t??  Well, let us remind you.  *insert evil laugh here….*

We reported last week that Gandalf was spotted in Manhattan; we also know that Smaug isn’t in Middle earth right now either!  Benedict Cumberbatch is busy in Los Angeles, where he has been filming his role in the forthcoming Star Trek movie.  Two of his previous movies were Oscar nominated this year (War Horse and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy), and as he was in town, Cumberbatch went along to watch the ceremony from Elton John’s party.  Later, as he headed into the Vanity Fair party, he told BBC’s Radio Five Live Breakfast show that he got ‘incredibly excited’ about his first time being in LA for the event, and that the ‘glamour… doesn’t stop.’  (You can listen to the interview with Cumberbatch on the BBC’s website until March 3rd; it starts around the 20 minute mark of this programme.)  He also told television reporters from the UK that he found the event ‘overwhelming’ and ‘extraordinarily… high-octane glamour’.  If you’re in the UK, you can watch the television clip here; or you can read a report on what Cumberbatch had to say, as reported by digital spy.

Cumberbatch also told the BBC that it was a ‘great honour to be invited to the party’.  We know of a good Oscar party at which he’d be very welcome next year!  If he thought things were overwhelming this year, just wait until all the excitement for The Hobbit at the 2013 Oscars!