Join Kili and Mike the Guide for a tour of several Lord of the Rings filming locations, including Isengard, Anduin, and Rivendell!
Book your own Middle-earth adventure with Mike the Guide, recommended by not only Kili but Ian Brodie, author of the official locations guidebook, himself! Click here to learn more.
Enjoy the photos below and remember to check out our Happy Hobbit YouTube channel for many more videos from New Zealand and the California shire! A great place to start is this playlist:
Where the hobbits tumbled down the hillside in their “shortcut t mushrooms!”
Hiding from the Nazgul… and my fellow tourists! (The tree in the film was fake)
Being Frodo resting and smoking in he and Sam’s camp.
Frodo’s view of the canopy.
Where Sam and the cookfire should be!
Where the Ringwraith appeared in slow-mo in FOTR.
One of the Anduin locations
By the river Anduin
Trying to make a wizard’s beard in Isengard.
We bumped into Jack Machiela, the head of the Wellington Tolkien Society!
Mike the Guide and I pose as Gandalf and Saruman. “Your love of the halfling’s leaf has dulled your mind.”
“Rip them out. All of them.” Isengard.
The two trees in the distance are where Gandalf rode when he arrived at Isengard in FOTR.
Where Brego awakens Aragorn after his “tumble over a cliff” in TTT.
If only Brego really were there!
Where Faramir’s vision of his dead brother was filmed for TTT:EE.
Elven carvings.
An Elvish welcome in Rivendell!
Because some of our Elvish is rusty…
Mike the Guide and a not-so-accurate height chart in Rivendell.
Sauron’s eyes?! Just… no.
Posing like Legolas where he did some classic photos.
As some of you may have noticed, my March madness really was spent in Middle-earth! In the month I spent in New Zealand, I had the immense pleasure of visiting the Hobbiton Movie Set in Matamata. Journey with me now to the Shire to experience your own adventure in Hobbiton!
And please feel free to peruse the photos below!
The entrance
A quaint little home
Which way to go?
A vegetable garden
Hobbit scarecrow!
Barefoot in Hobbiton!
A very happy hobbit!
Lovely abode
So pretty!
Bag End!
The tree atop the hill
The door is cracked… Bilbo must be in! Or is it Frodo?
Hmm, definitely Bilbo, since we know Frodo is out reading his book
*Please Note: This was one of’s annual April Fools Jokes – We are not going anywhere…at least we don’t think we are!* KENOSHA, WISCONSIN — An official press release is scheduled for tomorrow, but we, the TORn founders and staff, want to notify all those who have supported us for the past 15 years that is shutting down.
The final decision was communicated in an all-staff conference call over the weekend, but it has been discussed for months, speculated about for years, and we’ve cracked jokes about it from podiums at conventions (that nobody took seriously at the time), but now the long-dreaded hour is finally upon us.
The four TORn Founders (Erica Challis, Chris Pirrotta, Mike Regina and William Thomas) reached a tentative decision last week, discussed it with Senior Staff (identities top secret), then included world-wide staff, active and inactive, on the weekend conference call.
“We have a real sense of accomplishment that the purpose of the website has been fulfilled,” said Regina on the call. “Erica and I were interested in “some guy” in New Zealand adapting “The Lord of the Rings” into movies, and when Chris and Bill found us it really elevated the effort. The next thing you know it became far more than the hobby we envisioned.”
“It’s the perfect time to go out on a high note, fresh off the recent success of the Hobbit movies and The One Last Party,” said Challis. “It is still our collective baby, but the four of us just feel content that it has run its course. We don’t want to be like a “Transformers” sequel.”
Pirrotta agreed with her, pointing out how much of a commitment 15 years is: “I was in college when this started with time to sit in a computer lab. All of us have jobs and kids and responsibilities now. We stayed true to our vision, didn’t sell the website for millions when offered, and we can all feel good about that.”
Thomas offered more practical reasons: “We made a commitment to not make a profit and to give the money away to charity if we did. We accomplished that and I’m proud that we kept the site pure. Plus, Star Wars is back, so we can all follow our true love again. Remember, TORn was just an ode to The Force dot net anyway.”
It’s all happening as we head into our final week of fundraising for The One Last Party. These are the final days to reach that goal, so we can all celebrate the journey of fandom we’ve been on together. You can pledge for a party ticket; but if you can’t join us in person, there are still many ways to be involved:
– pledge $10 to be part of the ‘Thank You’ we will send to Peter Jackson
– claim a ‘Supporter of Special Magnficence’ tshirt (which reminds us that ’17 years is far too short a time to party among such excellent and admirable fans’)
– get access to the exclusive Live Stream of the event
– or lay your hands on one of the other fabulous perks on offer!
We’ve just added three NEW perk items!
Incredible artist Eeva, who created TORn Book Club’s logo, has drawn two amazing images of Mirkwood’s own party elf, Thranduil. There are only NINE prints available of each of her two illustrations (‘Dark Thranduil’ and ‘Mirkwood in Winter’), and each will be signed by Eeva. Elf lovers should snap them up before they’re gone! See the ‘Thranduil Special’ perks and choose which one you want – or get them both!
We also have a new perk for the Bookworms amongst you! (We know how Tolkien fans love to read!) Our own Kili, of Happy Hobbit fame, is also a talented author. She has generously given us FIVE copies of her debut novel, Darkling, to use as perks. Here’s a description of the book:
“How far would you go to save your family?
Midsummer used to be a day of feasts and bonfires. A day when cares were set aside for the joy of grass between our toes, warm hands in our palms, laughter in our hearts. Our celebrations dimmed with the light. Something upset the balance of our woods. Something so deep that even our bonfires can’t lure the sun back. And he has something to do with it. Of that we’re sure, which is why I’m being given to him.
DARKLING is K.M. Rice’s suspenseful debut novel about a young woman’s sacrifice to save her village and the unexpected strength that comes from first love. ”
None other than Richard Taylor has read Darkling and loved it! He said, “I’ve just finished reading a delightful, … beautiful ghost story book called Darkling. And that’s one I’d definitely recommend. …it’s a haunting, creeping, wonderful story .”
You could have a copy of this book, signed and inscribed to you by Kellie/Kili – just pledge for the ‘Happy Haunted Hobbit’ perk!
Later today, party planners will be joining staffer Sarumann on his TORn Book Clubto chat about what we have lined up for The One Last Party – tune in at 12noon PSTtoday to hear more, or to ask us questions!
We are so close now – and every little pledge helps. Don’t forget, any pledge made before 11pm GMT today (Jan 11th) enters you in the draw to win the stunning Dragon Bodice created by Marie Porter Costuming! Even a pledge of $1 qualifies you for this giveaway – and helps us get nearer to our goal! Let’s celebrate together the Fellowship of Fans!
One Last Party fundraiser!
Our One Last Party fundraiser on Indiegogo is almost 80% funded and we’re pretty stoked!
If you’d like to join us as a Party of Special Magnificence in Hollywood in February — a toast to all SIX Middle-earth movies, then now is the time to throw in your support! Even if you can’t make it to Hollywood (or if you’ve already contributed), you can help out by retweeting or sharing our fundraiser across social media to get the word out.