Can’t wait to get a look at the finished film following last night’s premiere? We’ve got two clips from The Desolation of Smaug for you right here! SPOILER warning, of course.

The first one comes today from Entertainment Weekly. The clip was shown – in abridged form – last night, during Evangeline Lilly’s appearance on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Continue reading “New Clips from The Desolation of Smaug featuring Thranduil, Tauriel and Legolas”

LifeFlightFurther to our post last week about the Life Flight Hobbit Charity Screening, Niall Mackay from Life Flight has sent us information about an auction they’re running in the lead up to the film for two lucky fans to attend the event sitting next to Bifur himself 🙂

Continue reading “Life Flight Hobbit Charity Screening Auction”

photo credit to Ron Hall Photography
photo credit to Ron Hall Photography

A few weeks back we reported about how The Grove in LA had been turned into Erebor, even selecting that location for our Pre-Premiere Moot on Sunday night. And then it was suddenly gone, just before The Hobbit and the Greatest of All Calamaties was set to descend upon Los Angeles. Today, the mystery of the vanishing Erebor was solved, it has been moved to the TCL Chinese Courtyard where all those famous footprints can usually be seen. So for those of you coming to LA for the premiere, you will still get to see the Erebor decor, huzzah. And if you have not yet RSVP’d for the Pre-Premiere Moot, here is the  original Moot post

The weather forecast for this weekend looks to be pretty nice with mostly clear skies and sunshine. We will have plenty of reporting from the Premiere before, during and after, so stay tuned to for all your Hobbit: DOS news.

Dolby_Theatre_Wide_Shot_a_lWomen’s Health Magazine is currently running a sweepstakes for one lucky winner to receive a pair of tickets to the World Premiere of The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug on December 2 at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood. They invite you to join some of the film’s stars, including Men’s Health Magazine December cover star Luke Evans and Women’s Health Magazine January/February cover star Evangeline Lilly. Simply go to the Magazine’s sweepstake page to enter. The Dolby Theater can hold up to 3400 people and is equipped with Dolby 3D and the Dolby Atmos sound system, so the winner will get an awesome movie going experience.

You have until midnight on December 1 to enter and they will contact the winner by phone on December 2. Since that is the same day as the actual premiere, you will probably want to already be in Southern California, or able to get here very quickly. The prize is just the tickets to the premiere, no flights or hotel or anything but the tickets. This contest it is open to all US and Canadian residents, with a few small exclusions, so make sure to read the rules before registering to win a chance to sit in one of the seats shown below. Personally, I’d shoot for a seat in the middle about half way back to get the full effect of the 3D and actually be able to see Smaug towering over above while hearing every single gold coin sliding all around you.

Dolby auditorium


Good Luck to each and every one of you, and if you do win, make sure to tweet us @theoneringnet so we can look for you walking the Red Carpet.


Some minor changes to the original plan. 

To say that we have been getting a lot of questions asking if TORn will be doing anything special for the fans for the World Premiere of The Desolation of Smaug would be an understatement.

Well, we finally have plans in place, and here are the details!

On Sunday, December 1st, join TORn staffers and fans at The Grove in Los Angeles for a Quest to Erebor and dinner! Click here for The Grove website and directions.  The Grove in LA.

At 5pm, we will all gather in the central square of The Grove for photo ops among their Hobbit Erebor display. They have a full throne that fans can get their pictures taken in! Coming in costume is highly encouraged!

WB has alerted us that The Grove is being de-Ereborized, so the fun Erebor decor will no longer be there next week. We are still going to advise you to get to the Grove by 5pm so you have time to find parking and take in all the Christmas Decor. More options below. 

At 7pm, we will gather at the Marmalade Cafe (across the street from the gigantic American Girl Store) for dinner. This is a moot-style dinner, which means lots of mingling and fan fun!

The dinner is a set menu, and we ask that fans who wish to attend pay in advance through our convenient Paypal link below! Here is what will be served:

Your choice of one of four entrees: Chicken Picatta, Turkey Meatloaf, Fish and Chips or a Grilled Vegetable Salad (you do not need to choose your entree until you get there).

Optional starter salad of either a mixed green or caesar salad.

Optional dessert of either tira misu or bread pudding.

You can see the prices in our Paypal link below.

The room is limited to 50 people, so grab your dinner ticket while you can!

If you already paid for the Moot and have decided that you no longer wish to attend because Erebor is going, please email for a full refund no later than Wednesday. 

As an alternative, especially for those of you from out of town, let some of us LA locals show you around town for a few hours on Sunday. Head on over to our Facebook Event page to discuss a few options. 

Seeing LA before the Moot

Bear in mind that this is Black Friday Weekend, and traffic and parking will be cumbersome to say the least, so be sure to figure in travel and parking time. Also, the Hollywood Christmas Parade is going on up in Hollywood that evening, a few miles away. If you are staying at a hotel in that area, really give yourself plenty of time to get out of Hollywood and down into Beverly Hills to arrive on time. Just look for the Tolkien fans taking over the Erebor Plaza.

We hope to see you there!

(Note: If you click the “Buy Now” button, and it takes you to a blank page, simply click “back” on your browser and try again. It should work the second time.)

TORn Premiere Dinner Options
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