Dan Hennah, Academy Award winner and nominee just last year, talked about Middle-earth movies and “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” with TheOneRing.net last week while he stood inside the re-creation of Beorn’s house! Hennah and his wife Chris run the Art Department of Peter Jackson’s Hobbit movies and from concept to shoot day, makes the items and sets happen. He is a pretty incredible guy, right up there with Peter Jackson and Richard Taylor as one of New Zealand’s most amazing individuals. Part of our series of video interviews to get you ready for the World Premiere of the newest Middle-earth film!
See also: An interview with Martin Freeman
And: An interview with Richard Armitage
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BEVERLY HILLS — On the same day that fans and journalists lined the streets of Hollywood to celebrate the World Premiere of “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” Martin Freeman chatted with TheOneRing.net about what it was like to play opposite a dragon. He also discussed the work of other fine actors on set including Sir Ian McKellen and Morgan Freeman! The video is part of a series today to usher in the midnight release of the film (more or less) around the world.
See also: An interview with Richard Armitage
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BEVERLY HILLS — TheOneRing.net had a chance to sit down with Richard Armitage and talk “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” last week in the hours leading up the film’s world premiere in Los Angeles. We present below the first of several videos with some of the key actors in the films, this one featuring Richard Armitage talking about his character Thorin, his own writings and ping-pong. Enjoy and check back all day for more videos as we lead you into the hours before the debut of the second of three Peter Jackson movies based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit.”
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Join Happy Hobbit’s Fili and Kili as TheOneRing.net’s official representatives on the black carpet of the Word Premiere of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, held on December 2, 2013 in Hollywood. You’ll also get a glimpse of Air New Zealand’s new Smaug plane, find out what goes on behind the scenes as press, and of course, hear a little about TORn’s latest moot (or gathering, for those who don’t speak Entish!).
Below are some of the highlights from the night and weekend of festivities. For more pictures and lots of fun, follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Fili, Dis, Thorin, and Kili. Durin family photo! At the moot.

The “other” Fili and Kili are Happy Hobbits!

Smaug and Bilbo before the infamous incident.

On the black carpet!

Kili and Fili and Kili and Fili!

This Kili and Fili love Azog!

Evie gives some Happy Hobbit love.

Dean recognizes Fili, making her a very happy hobbit!

Bofur (Justin): the unsung hero! Thank you so much for all of your hard work!
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Editor Note: Our latest staff review comes from staffer Arwen.
As a word of warning, Arwen’s review has SPOILERS from the very beginning. If you are avoiding spoilers of any type, please know — you have been warned!
Continue reading “Arwen’s Review of ‘The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug’”
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Fresh off the world premiere of “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,” in Los Angeles, set designer Ra Vincent and TORn staffer Larry D. Curtis (MrCere) talk Hobbit with Fictional Frontiers. Vincent was on hand to help decorate the portions of sets visible in press and fan effort “The Book of New Zealand” and attend the big Hollywood screening of the film in the Dolby Theater.
Our MrCere was on hand at the premiere as well to conduct lots of interviews with cast and crew and support our team in Los Angeles and was asked to share his observations and even a review of the film. Fictional Frontiers is a show dedicated to a serious discussion of genre entertainment, television, film and literature. The episode also features Tara Bennett (no relation of Manu) East Coast Editor of SFX Magazine. You can listen to the full episode RIGHT HERE!.
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